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-The next day-(October 30th 2005- 6am)

Rosie's p.o.v

    Me and Tim get to the airport joining the Team members Tony,Kate,Gibbs and Abby while we wait on Dr.Donald 'Ducky' Mallard.After about 10 minutes waiting he finally shows up a and he's a foot taller than me.

After about 10 minutes waiting he finally shows up a and he's a foot taller than me

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Ducky:Hello Miss you must be Timothy's girlfriend we've been hearing about?.

Rosie:I am."Puts out her hand".Rosie Jones.

Ducky:"Shakes her hand"Dr.Donald Mallard but my friends call me Ducky.

Rosie:Its nice to finally meet you Tim speaks highly of everyone on the team.

    After that the lady behind the airport speakers then says.

???:Plane to Salem,Massachusetts now boarding,I repeat Plane to Salem,Massachusetts now boarding.

Rosie:"Sighs".I hate plane's.

Tim:I'm right here.

Rosie:"Smiles taking his hand".I know.

    We board the plane and sit down I getting the window seat.Tony and Ducky sitting across from us and Kate and Gibbs sitting behind them.As the plane takes off I hum "You give love a bad name".After we are up in the sky I stop.

Tony:Never heard anyone hum so good.

Tim:You should hear her sing.

I head slap Tim.

Tim:Ow!,What was that for?.

Rosie:You know why."Glares at him".


-1 hour into the flight-

Rosie:I wonder if the house is still the way I left it.

Tim:I'm sure it is...Allison wouldn't have it dirty on her watch.

    We chuckle together as a Flight Attendant brings us our food.

-2 hours into the flight-

Rosie:Remember that time when Max was showing you how to ride a bike?.

Tim:Man do i...I can still feel the grave stone on my back thinking about it.

Rosie:"Chuckles".It was tiny.Besides you lived.

Tim:"Rolls eyes".

    I poke Tim's cheek and he smiles at me.The plane hits turberlance and Tim puts an arm around my shoulders to keep me calm.

-3 hours into the flight-

    As me and Tim watch something on his lap top I hear Abby and Kate talk.

Abby:Oh they are so adorable together Kate.

Kate:Yeah,Hope they invite us to the wedding.

I smile at that...Getting married to Thackery Binx/Timothy Mcgee.

Rosie Jones & Thackery Binx/Timothy McGee love story| Hocus Pocus/NCISWhere stories live. Discover now