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Rosie's P.O.V

The kids follow Me and Thackery to the cemetery.

Max:Whoa,Whoa.This is a graveyard.

Thackery:It's hallowed ground.Witches can't set foot here.

The girls give Max a shocked look.

Max:He talks.

Thackery:Follow me.

We all enter the graveyard.

Thackery:Rosie thy alright?.

Rosie:I'm fine other than that a virgin lit the candle bring those evil witches back."Glares at Max".Girls it's nice to meet you.Sadly under these circumstances"glares at Max".Call Thack a stupid cat again then your dead.

Max:"Gulps".Then I won't.


Thackery:Over here I want to show you something.Give you an idea of exactly what we're dealing with.

Thackery and I stop on top of a gravestone that reads William Butcherson Lost Soul.

    Thackery and I stop on top of a gravestone that reads William Butcherson Lost Soul

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Max:William Butcherson?,Lost Soul?.

Rosie:Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah.

Thackery:So she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle.So he couldn't tell her secrets even in death. Winifred always was the jealous type.

Allison:You're Thackery Binx.


Allison:So the legends are true.

Thackery:Well come along.I want to show you something else.

We follow Thackery to a grave and he sits by the grave of his sister Emily.

Thackery:Because of me my little sister's life was stolen.For years I waited for my life to end so I could be reunited with my family.But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive.Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life.Now I'd failed Emily but I wouldn't fail again.When Winifred and her sister's returned I'd be there to stop them.So for 300 centuries I guarded the house on All Hallow's Night when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle.

Dani:Nice going airhead.

Max:Hey look I'm sorry okay?.

Rosie:We know.

Max:But we're talking about three ancient hags versus the 20th century how bad can it be?.


Allison goes to look inside the spell book and me and Thack yell at her.

Thackery,Rosie:Stay out of there!.

Rosie Jones & Thackery Binx/Timothy McGee love story| Hocus Pocus/NCISNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ