35 H-How you like that... kiss?

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"Hey, are you alright? Did you catch a fever or something?" Rose asked worriedly as she placed a hand on top of Jisung's forehead.

The latter quickly shook her hand away, covering both of her cheeks.

"Your face looks like a tomato right now. I mean tomato is cute but..." Rose pointed out while raising her eyebrows. She could sense something different from her friend.

"No, I'm fine!" Jisung insisted.

"Then why are you coming to my house in the middle of the night?" Rose asked now furrowing them, she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

The long-haired girl was wearing baby pink polka dot pajamas, a green facial mask on her face, and hair rolls all over her head. It was during her time when her best friend decided to show up without prior notice.

Of course, she didn't buy it when Jisung told her nothing had happened. Something had happened and she needed to know what that is.

Jisung parted and pursed her lips. She wanted to tell Rose what had happened today yet the more she tried to tell her, the more heat rushing up to her head and all of her words just caught behind her throat.

"Ugh... Nothing. I just... I just missed you!" Rose gave Jisung a dry laugh.

"I'm almost throwing up," Rose replied, placing a hand above her stomach, faking a gag.

"No, Jisung. I'm your best friend and I know the best that missing me is never be in your dictionary." Rose said with a pout and sat on the bed next to the short-haired girl.

"You always said I'm annoying because I always invaded your personal space."

"Well... that's true." Jisung mumbled under her breath which earned playful tickles from the red-haired girl.

"But seriously, Jisung. What is going on?" Rose whined, staring directly into Jisung's eyes.

Jisung shifted her gaze on the bed she laid her stomach on. Fiddling with her fingers, she told...

"H-how d-does I-it feels when you kissed..."

A boy on the lips. Does it make her heart burst? Does it make her cheeks heated?

But instead of saying those.

"Kyunghoon?" Rose ears perked at the mention of her boyfriend. Her eyebrows rose just like her name. She laid on her back and giggled.

"It felt like a thousand fireworks burst at the same time!" That's how she felt too.

"A-and like having an electric shock all over your body!" Rose added. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Did you know that we shared our first kiss with the sunset as the background while we stood by the cliff?" Jisung shook her head slightly.

"It was so romantic, Jisung! And I— Hold the fuck up..." Rose dramatically changed her tone to a low one.

"Why did you suddenly ask about my boyfriend?" She sent a deadly glare to Jisung before clasping her mouth with her slender hands.

"Holyshit— do you have hots with my boyfrie— Hmphh—" Rose got thrown with her fluffy pillow before she could finish her sentences.

"Oops, sorry, that pillow just slipped." Jisung apologized insincerely.

Rose frowned and pulled the pillow off her face, placing it underneath her chest instead, hugging it tightly. Thankfully her facial mask is already dry, because if not that her beautiful face will be printed on that pillow.

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