Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Thanks for your wait! =)

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There was a lot of rustling.

“My cousin… bit weird… come in… not sure where….”

I snuggled deeper into my blanket, the cushion sunk a little bit deeper than before under my weight.

“I’m not sure… yes… no… ha ha ha….”

I frowned, my mind bleary and hazy from sleep.

“Usually smells better… okay… you sure… sorry… ARIANA!”

My body was jolted awake and in total overdrive. I bolted out of the sofa, the lamp that I had placed beside the red piece of furniture already in my hand, poised to be thrown to any moving creature in sight.

Hunter stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.

Hunter stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.

Silence passed on between us, unsure of where to settle. On one side, I was wrapping my head around the what-might-have-been illusionary tanned blond in front of me. Said blonde studied the lamp held high above me with uncertainty before zeroing in onto my face.

His left eyebrow arched elegantly like the metrosexual guy he was.

“Wow,” he whistled, sizing me up and down. “You look like shit.”

And that was when I snapped.

I exploded into a huge, slobbery, sobbing mess.

 I let my grip on the lamp loose, allowing it to free-fall onto the floor. It was an ugly sight. And I was not referring to the lamp mess that I had created.

With big fat tears rolling freely off me and equally ginormous snot running as wild as stallions in a vast green field, I blindly marched towards Hunter. I did all that while wailing like a maniac.

“Whoa, whoa, Ari, what are you doing?” I heard footsteps backing away slowly. “Oh, my God, calm down. Lets discuss this through… Oh, shit, oh, shit, please don’t kill me.”

I didn’t know what Hunter’s reaction was when I started crying as I couldn’t exactly see through all the waterworks. But I took satisfaction in hearing his yelp when I started pounding my fist onto his abdomen and chest upon cornering him to a wall.

“You… mean… stupid… dumb…” I choked out while alternating between wiping my snot and punching him.

“Ihateyou,” I wailed. And then I sobbed harder before pounding my fist onto him even more, channeling all my trauma into my fists.

“Holy… Ow… Ow… OW!” Hunter tried grabbing my hands from further damaging his chest but between having much less skill in the department of martial arts and being alarmed by my break down, he stood no chance.


I had gone past crying by then. I was just mad.


I narrowed my puffy eyes, and gave my deadliest stare. I needed to see his reaction when I did what I was going to do to him.

Hunter gulped.

“Ari, listen-”

I bunched his shirt into my right hand and pulled him roughly towards me.

Hunter’s eyes widened and he began to panic.

“No, Ari, don-”

I blew all my snot into his favourite shirt, the shirt he was wearing at that moment.

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