Trevor was already a great success as a model and now and actor, appearing in TV Shows and doing commercials for high fashion companies. Terry's life was starting to take off as well and she hoped that Garrett's would too.

"I have one." He suddenly said, interrupting her thinking.

"Let's see."

He flipped the picture so that Terry could see and really studied it for along moment. The girl had a nice set of long reddish brown hair, and lovely long legs. Age Twenty two, and had done a few runways for high fashion designers.

"Good." She grinned. She took the file and set it aside and picked up another one.

This went on all day, more than five coffee cups were drunk from each, lunch was taken and even a little snacking took place. Soon the time read eleven at night and with a yawn Terry managed to stand and stretch.

"Garrett, it been a long day, I think we should call it a night." She sighed.

He stood stretched and placed in her hands at least eleven profiles he had personally picked for the runways. Without arguing his choices she gathered the files with her own and stacked them on her desk. Tomorrow the work would continue, but inside she was feeling rather pleased that she had him by her side. Garrett was truly doing his best to switch it around and had taken his work seriously.

"Would you like to get something to eat, I'm actually starved." Garrett admitted.

She smiled genuinely and nodded as they both headed for his car and drove off. Once she came to realize they parked outside his house, she stiffened for a moment as she turned to look at him.

"There are not open restaurant right now." He simply said.

Terry nodded and said nothing more as he pulled the car up to the garage and finally cut the engine. The night was slightly chilly but nonetheless somewhat pleasant as she slipped from the car into the large garage.

"This way." Garrett muttered.

She followed along mutely and simply took in all of the grand exquisite interior that his large mansion held. Her mouth fell open slightly as she took in the nicely painted large canvases in the large hall that led towards the living room. Her surprise came to a halt when she smacked right into his back and quickly shook her head from the blow.

"I'm sorry, I was just taking in the nice paintings on the wall." She whispered.

"...Kathy picked most of them, but I'll have to get rid of them." he muttered.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you..."

"Terry its fine, can we just proceed into the living room?" he asked.

Terry nodded and followed along until finally they came into the large living room where he turned the large fireplace on and took a seat across from her. He felt a million miles away seeing that the living room vast and spacious but she said nothing of the sort as she crossed her legs and hugged her knees.


The table was set and now Terry sat in front of a nicely home cooked meal that Garrett himself had cooked. Her mouth watered to see the juicy piece of chicken breast before her filled with vegetables. Across from her Garrett took his seat once again and for the second time today she felt him so far away.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" she asked.

She did not wait for his reply and took her plate and wine glass trotting all the way over to his end. Scooting into her chair, she smiled kindly to him and digged into her plate of food desperate to taste it. A small moan rumbled at her throat as she chewed the juicy white chicken and savored the flavor of it.

"This tastes great." She murmured.

Garrett simply smiled at her as he avoided his food for the moment and drank a few glasses of wine. Terry began to feel a bit on edge as she watched the way he could not seem to stop pouring himself glass after glass. After at least six glasses of wine, she set her hand over his glass before he could pour himself another. Garrett looked down to his plate of untouched food and grimaced a bit as he lifted his gaze to look at Terry.

"I think, you should try the chicken, it tastes great." She whispered.

He nodded as a reply and picked up his fork digging into his plate and forcefully chewing down on his meal. For a long moment, she studied him as he tossed around the steamed carrots and broccoli before stabbing the fork down on them.

"Garrett, I should call it a night," Terry suddenly said. Her voice erringly echoed off the walls of the large dining room as he dropped his fork and leant back in his chair.

"I'm trying...really I am." He replied.

"I can see that, and I think the only thing you need here is some rest, go upstairs take a long warm shower and simply seek the comfort of your own bed and think of absolutely nothing." She advised.

"I'm glad to have had your company tonight, it gets really hollow around here." He sighed.

Slowly pushing out of her chair Terry took her plate into her hands and motioned for Garrett to do the same and follow her into the kitchen. With warm water, she rinsed away any trace of food off the white porcelain plates and set them into the dishwasher. Garrett simply leant against the counter taking in every move Terry made. Once she closed the door to the dishwasher, she turned to find him fiddling with a button on his shirt.

"Have a good night Garrett and thank you for the home cooked meal, it was great." She said.

"You're Welcome Terry, it was the least I could do after making you go through hell with me." He confessed.

"Don't worry about what was anymore and simply think of what can be or what might, it is best to look forward towards the future than to a past that simply held no hope at all. Let nothing matter here but yourself for the moment. Take this time to rebuild and start over, make new plans and set goals." She advised.

Without warning, Garrett took Terry in for a surprised hug and held her close giving her a friendly squeeze. Terry patted his back and pulled away giving him a bright grin as she adjusted her purse over her shoulders and looked down to her feet, lost for words.

"I suppose I should be heading home." She managed to say.

"Would you like to stay here, I have more than plenty of guest rooms, everything you might possibly need will be there." He asked.

The time on the kitchen clock read two a.m., well past her bedtime and without hesitating because slumber was beginning to overcome her, she gladly nodded and was lead up to a guest room. Once Garrett bid her good night and shut the door Terry tossed aside her shoes and pulled out of her clothes into a comfortable bathrobe. She nestled into the covers and gave a light groan as she closed her eyes and simply let her heavy droopy eyes give into sleep. The last thing she registered in her might was that she could not wait for tomorrow to come.

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