Chapter 7: Deadpool

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Both Vision and Deadpool made it inside of the main headquarters of the Avenger's Tower. They snuck into the teleporter room and Vision quickly worked on rerouting the coordinates of the teleporter so that their Avengers could teleport out of danger.

"Alrighty time for me to set up the grill and make pregame tacos, do you want any?" said Deadpool.

"Okay I got control over the Avengers tower teleporter." said Vision.

"Wait what!? How did you hack the system that easily? And what does that mean about my Tacos!?"

"When your Vision tried to hack into my neural system, he exposed all of the security protocols."

"So you stole the Avengers' password? Let me guess, was it Love You 3000?"

"No it was much more complex than that." Vision made a mental note to remind Tony to update the security protocols as soon as he gets back home. Deadpool began to get bored of waiting and decided to take action.

"This is getting boring, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going? The plan was to stay..."

"Relax, I'm only going to their kitchen and borrow a few things for our victory tacos." Deadpool walks away, Vision didn't have time to chase after him and hoped that Deadpool wasn't as big of a fool as Peter claims.


Tony Stark and James Rhodes were at the Avenger's Tower working on the preparation for the execution of Spider-man. To the both of them this didn't sit right. Yeah he was a criminal and caused a lot of damage over the years, but he was still young and they both thought he was just confused and needed guidance.

"I don't know Tony, if Steve said this was okay then it was good enough for me."

"Yeah I ask myself what if the same thing happened to Sharon happened to Pepper?"

"It made sense at first. Bad people got what they deserved. But now?"

"Relax Rhodey this Spider-man is just bait to capture our Spider-man."

"And then what Tony? Remember what happened to Hawkeye?" Tony looked away from Rhodey. He remembered what happened. Hawkeye was their friend and together saved the world countless times. The way Steve killed Hawkeye without mercy haunted Tony still. He was in shock at how much he had fallen since the death of Sharon and wondered if he was still fighting for the right side. He noticed a small blink on his screen.

"Something is not right, the teleporter is offline." said Tony. Just then there was an explosion coming from the side and knocked both Tony and Rhodes down. Emerging from the hole was Deadpool.

"Alright the map here says I should be at the kitchen, this is some strange looking kitchen." He then smacks his head, "Of course! The Avengers are now computers! that explains why they've been acting like terminators!" Rhodes is the first get up and is ready to fight, Deadpool gets into a fighting stance and is prepared to fight. "Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum."

Fight 1: Deadpool vs. War Machine

Deadpool fires a couple of shots at War Machine with his dual pistols. Rhodes recoils from the attack and fires multiple missiles at Deadpool. Deadpool wall jumps over the missiles and lands behind him. He then pulls out his katana and slices his back and then throws a grenade. War Machine gets back up and charges at him and drags Deadpool against the ground. He gets back up and he picks up a cleaning robot and hits War Machine. He goes towards him and War Machine pushes him back.

"I swear you used to look different ten years ago." said Deadpool.

"Shut up and fight." said War Machine. The two charged at each other and Deadpool was able to beat him to the punch. He throws one more grenade and knocks out War Machine.

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