Chapter 6: Vision

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Iron-Man, and Vision have been working tirelessly on their new dimensional teleporter. It took some time but with their combined efforts they were able to get it done. They couldn't spend anymore time on construction. For all they knew their friends all could be on the verge of death. Tony was making the finishing touches.

"Is it ready?" asked Captain America.

"It's as ready as it will ever be." Said Iron-man, "Systems are online, and Vision is linked up."

"You sure this is going to work?" asked Captain America.

"Of course I'm sure. I ran the numbers, with Vision as the power source what could go wrong?." He walks over to the computer and activates the teleporter. The gem on the Vision's forehead starts to glow. Everything starts to collapse and the energy output was too much for the machine to handle, and Vision was struggling to keep everything in place.

"Shut the machine down!" said Captain America.

"No it's okay." said Vision, "I can handle this, we can get through this." The energy field then engulfs Vision as he embraced himself thinking it would harm him. Instead, he was teleported to the same dimension as the other Avengers were taken to. He looks around and he finds himself inside some sort of cave. He explores his surroundings to find out more about where he was. "How wonderful. I don't know if I should congratulate Mr. Stark with his teleporter, or kick his..." He then hears voices from a distant and he heads towards it. He slowly approaches the empty Secret Avengers HQ and he soon spots Harry Osborn with Deadpool discussing.

"Right let's wait for the others so can we plan our next attack on Captain America." said Harry.

"That's all I needed to hear." said Vision. He then flies towards the two and shoots energy beams at them. Wade pushes Harry out of the way and he then rolls out of the way.

"You have a very loose definition of quiet, and secure." said Wade Wilson.

"Whatever just keep him busy, I'll reach out to the others." said Harry as he runs off. Wade Wilson pulls out two pistols and fires at Vision. He just floats in place taking in the bullets as if they were nothing.

"I was hoping we would avoid this meaningless fight." said Vision.

"That's blasphemy!" said Wade Wilson, "All fights are necessary. Especially the ones for freedom and tacos!"

Fight 1: Vision vs. Wade Wilson

Wade charges forward with his katanas and slices Vision. Vision blocks the two attacks and hits him with his left and right fists and fires an energy beam from his forehead and Wade gets knocked back. Vision flies towards Wade, tackling him to the ground. Wade throws a couple of grenades hitting Vision and he is sent in the air. Wade dives forward and does an air juggle knocking Vision around. Vision quickly gets back up turns intangible and dives down to the ground and uppercuts Wade and fires a powerful energy chases after Wade, and Wade just pushes him back.

"You better wear a hat, because Thanos is coming!" said Wade.

"Don't be foolish." said Vision. The two charged at each other and Vision was able to punch Deadpool. Deadpool gets back up and Vision phases underground and comes back up to deliver an uppercut knocking him out. "That'll quiet you down for a bit." Vision then gets hit from the side by Harry sporting a new suit resembling his father's, but different enough to make the suit his own.

"What do you think Vision? Like my father's but only better." said Harry as he floats down with his glider.

"So you decided to make yourself more like a madman." said Vision.

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