Leave it Nandini

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Manik (pulls her cheeks):- You are so cute nandu i meant why don't you give me a nickname and call me manik like everyone else you know i want a special name which is reserved only for you (winks)

Nandini (smiking ):- So what nickname do you want?

Manik (pouts):- Its a nickname which you are giving to me so why am i supposed to tell you what name i want that's not fair

Nandini (laughs):- Manik you are really cute but i am really bad with nicknames so don't worry i will Google few names mix few and create you a new name for you

Manik (irritated):- What the hell i want you to use your brain for my name not some  stupid Google

Nandini (pulls his cheeks):- Okay don't worry i will definitely give you a nickname

Navya (interrupting them ):-  Well if you guys stop your romance for sometime then i want to give a gift to the birthday boy

Nandini (defensive):'Hey he was just asking for a nickname nothing much its not romance okay

Navya (shrugs her):- Whatever. (Looking at manik) I know you don't want to consider me as your sister but i do consider you as my brother, i know brothers are supposed to look after their sisters and protect them always but i dont want you to do anything for you (manik looks confused) Instead i just want you to keep my friend happy, i am seeing her happy after so long and its because of you thanks for all this, i hope you will always keep her happy

Navya hugs manik and he pats her head lovingly. She takes out her gift which is their photo with something written on it, it looked like a letter for him and he was so overwhelmed with the love he is receiving from her although he got to know her through nandini only

Manik (pulling her out from the hug):- I never meant it seriously it was a joke i did not know that you will take it to your heart i am sorry for that (navya nods no) and about your friend i can't promise that she will always be happy (all of them confused) we will have our ups and down, we might fight and life may test us a lot of times but i can promise you that i will never let fall weak i will always stay by her side and face the situation together.

Navya (overwhelmed):- The magic you do with your words and assurance you just gave me , i am so overwhelmed thanks for coming in our lives.

Cabir (joking):- Don't you think its becoming too emotional scene now

Nandini (side hugs cabir):- This is why i love my brother he can make me smile in any situation.

Manik (jealous ):- Then what about me?

Cabir (smirks):- Don't be jealous of her brother also idiot

Navya (defensive):- Dont worry i am there for my brother

Cabir (thinking of something):- so wait since you guys proposed to each other and are in undeniably love with each other are you guys going to share your room also?

Nandini bites her lip and looks at manik so that he will answer.

Manik (understanding her):- No we won't until we get married and even if we would do will you have any problem?

Cabir (shrugs):- No. Not at all you can do anything.

Manik (pulls nandini closer to him):- Now if you guys leave i want to spend some alone time with my girlfriend.

Cabir and navya (teasing):- Yeah now why will you require us to keep you company.

Manik gives a whatever expression. Cabir smirks and leaves from there.

Manik (excited):- You know this feels surreal i mean the moment i have been waiting for has finally come and i am so happy

Nandini (smile):- I can see it in your face manik

Manik (sitting down):- So what did you want to talk with me

Nandini (sitting next to him):- You wanted to ask me so many things

Manik (facing her):- Yeah actually tell me from start how did you plan all of this

Nandini (smiling):- So actually remember the day you came to tell me that we have to cut short our trip and return soon (manik nods) so that day only actually i realised that its your birthday and from them all of us started planning this surprise for you. I couldn't do much since i have limited sources here but i really hoped that u like it.

Manik (placing his hand on her cheeks):- I loved it a lot nandu thanks a lot for all this you have done

Nandini (smiling):- I am happy that you love it. So yeah i asked cabir bhai to get your suit size somehow and he did then we all went shopping when you were taking rest in the room. Actually that day we were wondering how to do all this and exactly at that moment you told us that you wanted to take rest and we grabbed the opportunity so all the shopping we tries to finish that day itself.

Manik (shocked):- So you guys planned a lot behind my back and wait so the concern you showed to me on that day i mean coming back to the hotel because i wasn't  well was fake? I did not expect this from you nandu

Nandini (vigorously nodding no):- Not at all manik. Don't misunderstand me. It wasn't fake i was really concerned for you, i made sure that you were fine and then only we went ahead with the plan of shopping. Initially i did not want to do it but cabir bhai forced me saying that its just a hangover and you will be fine so only.

Manik (hurt):- Leave it nandini


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