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Manik: It was dhruv

Nandini:- Whatt?? My incharge? Oh my god that is why he was being friendly with me. He even gave me a half day and that is when i met alya also how could i be so dumb

Cabir:- Nandini calm down you are not dumb and Manik what are you going to do now?

Manik:- What else will i do? Same as alya he will also be behind the bars and make sure he doesn't get a job anywhere in the near future let him suffer

They immediately rushed to office so that dhruv doesn't have time to escape, as soon as they reached all of them barged into dhruv's cabin

Manik (holding his collar) who the hell do you think do you are? Remember that you work under me so don't even think of backstabbing me or else like now you will face the consequences

Dhruv (surprised):- Sir what did i do?

Without replying anything to him Manik dragged him to the police station, cabir and nandini followed him, nandini was worried about manik how is he feeling right now or what is he thinking but cabir assured that everything will be fine

After some time they all reach police station and dhruv was shocked seeing alya over there

Manik (pushing dhruv inside the cell):- Now explain me whatever you want to and don't you dare act as if you are innocent when you are not

Dhruv (attitude):- Well  i am caught so i will tell you why i did all this since i know you are only interested in that (they nod) so alya approached me even before nandini entered into the office she knows that i know with whomever you talk and she used to pay me a huge sum whenever i give her some information

The amount of salary you give is not even enough for me to survive how do you expect that if i will get married then i will keep my family happy which is why i decided to join hands with alya

Well i guess you got my answer why i did all this and honestly i don't regret doing this to you

Manik got really angry and made sure that they will get a punishment of atleast 5 years since they have riya also as the witness it was easier to get them punished


Cabir left as he had some work to do and now manik was curious as to how did she get riya here and why he wasnt informed abiyt ut

Nandini:- Manik i know you are eager and i am not running away anywhere first sit down and i will explain everything

Lisyening to her manik sat down and drank some water

Nandini:- Actually it was not only my plan but mine and cabir's, we know that it was fake call recording but i thoyght that alya voice we can imitate but we dont kmow riya voice so what if alya will get to kmow then cabir asked few people about her and then i approached her


Riya:- Hello who is this?

Nandini:- My name is nandini (explains the situation)

Riya:- I am sorry but i don't want to risk my life again

Nandini:- I assure you that nothing will happen because if we do not do this now then alya cannot be stopped, she will stoop even more

After thinking for some time riya agreed to her plan and arrived at his office and messaged nandini regarding that and exactly that time only alya got to know about the fake call recording


Nandini:- So that was my back up plan i did not want her to esacpe at any cost this time

Manik (hugs her tightly):- Thank you so much nandini it wouldnt have been possible for me to do all this

Nandini:- where is riya by the way?

Manik:- she wanted to go back home and not interrupt our romance (teasing )

Nandini:- Oh hello what romance? I still havent accepted uou

Manik:- looks like the process is working though

Nandini:- shut up manik i am going home

Manik laughs and drops her home, even he wasnt in a mood to work today so he also returned back to home


Manik calls nandini as he was excited to tell her something important

Nandini:- Hello Manik you have already missed me?

Manik:- Oh god nandini please stay away from cabir he is influencing you a lot, and yes i did miss you but i called you now to tell you something

Nandini:- What is it manik?

Manik:- so i told everyone in the home about what happened today (Nandini says that even she told her mom and she was happy that nandini is fine now) even my parents had the same reaction they were proud of how i handled the issue (smiles)

Nandini:- So you wanted to only tell me this?

Manik (chuckles):- No the thing is after i told them all this they suggested us to go out some where on a trip so that we can enjoy and also know about ourselves

Nandini (excited):- Oh my god really? Manik i am so damn excited this is our first time going out by the way where are we going ?

Manik (smiling):- i did not know you love travelling this much or else i would have planned before itself

Nandini (realising):- Oh no manik we have a problem

Manik:- what is it? 

Nandini:- if i come now with you then mom will have to stay alone which i don't want then she will miss dad even more

Manik:- Idiot you scared me, anyways i already thought about this and my mother in law will stay in our home these days when we aren't there 

Nandini (teasing):- mother in law ha?

Manik:- yes i am sure that after this trip you will fall deeply unconditionally uncontrollably in love with me

Nandini (laughs):- oh my god so many huge words and confidence ha lets see but manik can i bring navya along

Manik (acting sad):- oh so you don't want to spend alone time with me

Nandini:- no its not like that i am sorry if you felt bad

Manik:- haha its okay i also thought to bring cabir so that we can have more fun so no problem bring navya along (murmures) atleast she will keep cabir busy

Nandini:- well thanks a lot and be careful Mr. Malhotra i will get to know the real you in that trip

Manik:- pleasure is all mine i am excited to know you too and yeah the place is a surprise

They bid each other a goodbye and slept with a peace on their face


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