I am so hurt Nandini

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At Malhotra mansion

Manik reached home and all the way he had been thinking about what nandini told him

Manik (mind voice):- such a weird girl, she did not even let me speak, like seriously i mean i understand she was nervous but she should have atleast heard what i want to tell her

As soon as he enters his room he gets a call from cabir and he immediately picks up

Manik :- hello

Cabir:- what happened?

Manik:- about what?

Cabir:- you meeting nandini

Manik:- who told you?

Cabir:- obviously uncle and aunty now shut up tell me what exactly happened

Manik:- cabir she just wants to get to know me more before we take a huge step in life called marriage

Cabir:- is that it?

Manik:- obviously idiot, now i am cutting the call i am very tired

He cuts the call , changes his clothes and goes down to his hall

Raj (Manik's dad):- oh look who has time for parents today

Manik:- dad what are you talking about when i did not give you time

Raj:- leave all that i want to know why you told immediately yes to nandini

Manik:- dad not again

Raj:- okay fine did you talk with her today?

Manik:- yes dad i met her, she was nervous to talk but then i assured her that whatever it is she can tell me

Raj:- wow for the first time you told something good to someone

Manik:- whatever she told me that we should get to know each other so that we will not have any troubles after marriage in understanding each other

Raj:- that is a very good thought

Nyo:- yes manik there is nothing wrong in getting to know a person

Manik:- but wait how did you guys get nandini's marriage proposal

Nyo:- one of the marriage broker told us that is it, we liked her personality the way he described and she is also ambitious

Manik:- oh okay, anyways i will leave have some work to do

Raj:- Don't take too much stress

Manik smiles and tells okay to his dad and leaves from there, actually work was an excuse he wanted to talk with nandini, he initially thought of talking to her in office but it might be awkward and also she might be nervous of what he was thinking so he decided to call and talk with her

Nandini saw her phone is ringing and it was manik calling her, she was nervous as hell, she did not want him to judge her, why would anyone want a person to have a bad impression on them, anyways she has to face him if not today then tomorrow so she picked up the call

Manik :- hello nandini

Nandini:- yes Manik

Manik:- are you free now? I want to talk with you

Nandini:- (nervous) yes

Manik:- i can see you are getting nervous now so let me get straight to the point instead of beating around the bush

(Now nandini heart was beating fastly she was scared what he will say)

Manik:- i am so hurt nandini

As soon as she heard that statement her face fell down, she knew manik would have thought of her as some silly person who is not capable of being his life partner

Nandini:- it is okay sir you no need to explain further will see you tomorrow in office

Manik:- Madam are you an idiot? (She asked what?) Like seriously you did not even let me utter a word in the cafe u just told whatever you wanted me to know and left, are you that impatient (he chuckles) i am sure you wouldn't have felt this nervous if you would have heard my answer

Nandini (confused):- what do you mean? You just told me that you are hurt

Manik:- madam atleast once listen to me without interrupting and assuming things on your own (nandini hmmed) so the reason why i told you that i am hurt is because you thought i wouldn't understand your point of view, like seriously though we did not have much of interaction but i am not that kind of person who will not understand the other person's feeling (nandini was going to say something) and also you just told me whatever you wanted to tell and left from there i am hurt because of that also, i did get angry that you left just like that but it shouldnt repeat next time

Nandini i can understand your fears, it feels terrible to lose your loved one, but i really want you to give me a chance, we can take one step at a time there is no need to rush anything, be yourself and let us see if we are destined to be together or not and yes you can speak now (chuckles)

Nandini:- you have no idea how much relived i am, thanks a lot for understanding me and respecting my decision, my mom is going to be so happy when she gets to know (laughs)

Manik:- so aren't you happy madam?

Nandini:- what is this madam madam?

Manik:- you only started addressing me sir even when i told you that no need to be formal outside office

Nandini:- umm actually you told you are hurt so i thought you wouldn't like me calling you by your name

Manik:- i love the way you call my name

Nandini:- manik we have just started talking and you are already flirting with me so bad (Manik laughs)

Manik:- Though i can keep talking to you forever i really have some important sorry about that and yes no leave tomorrow or else i will deduct your salary

Nandini:- khadoos(murmured)

Manik:- no compromise in work nandini so take care and meet you tomorrow in office

After cutting the call manik remembers what he had once told to cabir

(Read in manik pov)

Cabir remember you once asked me in college that why don't i go and propose to nandini if i like her so much and i told you that it might be a mere crush and if it is more than that and if we are fated or destined then we will definitely meet again and that time i will tell her

Manik smiles (mind voice) we are really destined to be together nandini, i am so excited for this phase and journey in my life


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