Like to love

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Manik (smiling):- Because I love you

Nandini (surprised):- WHAT?

Manik (blushing):- Yes. Actually first i used to like you but you have now levelled up in my heart and now i love you

Nandini ( face palms):- Manik you are drunk, so you are babbling whatever comes to your mind

Manik (pouts):- No i am telling the truth and listen to me completely, don't interrupt me

Nandini:- You can tell me in the morning

Manik (nods no):- I want to tell you right now because when i am sober i will not have the courage to tell you this soon

Nandini:- Okay then tell me

Manik (looking at her lovingly):- I still remember the first time i saw you in our college, you came to me and told those 3 magical words though it was a dare it felt beautiful listening from you, i was attracted to you at that instant itself

I don't believe in love at first sight so the moment i saw you liked you i thought that it was only an attraction.

Like any other person i used to admire you from a far and smile like an idiot (chuckles) I used to hear our professors praising you all the time for being an obedient student and respecting the professors, i used to feel so proud whenever i hear someone praising you

But i thought it was just a mere crush and will go away with time which is why i never approached you or proposed you, though alya was also a reason.

But i believe a lot in destiny so i used to think that if we are destined for each other then at one point of time in our life we will cross each other's path, i still used to wonder that what if we don't meet again? Should i just forget you?

With all those thoughts i used to wait for you to come into my life again. I know that i am wrong and i should have approached you but this was something i believed.

As i wanted you again came into my life as an employee and i was the happiest person in this world seeing you again.

The day my parents told me that they saw a girl for me i was sad infact disappointed at myself that maybe i am delaying my feelings and spoiling my life.

(Smiling happily) You won't believe the moment i got to know that it was you whom my parents saw I was so happy infact excited to share my life with you.

You asked me right why i immediately told yes to the proposal without even thinking a bit (nandini nods) it is because you have already occupied my mind and heart and i did not need even a second to think about it.

Later you asked for time and i liked the quality of you that you did not want to marry any random person, I hope that by the time this trip gets over even you will like me and accept the proposal because i won't be able to process the fact that you won't spend the rest of your life with me.

I have come from i like you to i love you and now to i want to marry you, can you come from i want to know you to i will marry you or i like you? I will be waiting for you answer eagerly.

Nandini (overwhelmed):- I don't know what to say manik this is a lot to process.

Manik (running his fingers through her hair):- You don't need to say anything now nandu i can wait how ever long you want, just take time and think about it don't worry about me waiting for you, I love doing anything for you

The rest of the ride was silent as manik fell asleep and nandini was having happy tears in her eyes knowing that manik loved her and that's why he wanted to marry her. She thought that marrying your crush would happen only in stories and movies but it was actually happening in her life and she doesn't know how to react to it.

On the other side

Navya is smacking cabir's head, they went in different cabs as manik wanted to talk with nandini so they left the place first.

Navya (smacks his head):- Idiot who told you to actually drink a lot?

Cabir (drunk):- Navya stop hitting me, i know i was  supposed to drink a little less alcoholic drink so that we cam start preparing for his birthday tomorrow when he is sleeping but i got excited and started drinking the same drink as him

Navya (annoyed):- Now because of you nandini and me won't be able to do much tomorrow morning you just spoiled half a day for us

Cabir (falling asleep):- I am sorry navya

She just sighs and sits as she can't help, she just wanted to help  her friend and make her feel happy but it is getting postponed now.

All of them reached hotel and nandini put manik's arms around her shoulder and took him to his room.

She made sure that he was sleeping properly, she ruffled his hair, smiled looking at him and left his room

Navya was waiting for nandini in their room and moment she arrived she asked what happened.

Nandini (blushing):- Manik loves me

Navya (surprised):- What?

Nandini (smiling happily):- Yes he confessed his love to me and i am so overwhelmed navya, you have no idea how happy i am.

Navya (hugs nandini):- Oh my god i am so happy for you nandini and wait what is the surprise you planned for his birthday?

Nandini (winks):- You will get to know soon, i anyways planned of doing it and now i am going to give my best for that surprise i hope he will like it.

Nandini was constantly having a beautiful smile on her face and why not her crush just confessed his feelings to her and she was just way too happy, now all she wanted was to make sure that his birthday to be the best day of his life and she will make sure that it happens.


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