Chapter Five: The Anguishing

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The letter was gently held in her soft hands with a tight grip. The strong winds entering the broken windows were trying to blow it away, but it still stayed. Written inside were heartfelt words that (Y/N) had written to her mother hours earlier. She spent a long time writing it; writing her dying message. This is the reason why she never sent it before stepping out into battle. If she were to die, she would at least want to write a goodbye to her mother.
With a small sigh, she stuffed the letter in a small compartment attached to her belt and stood up from the spot she was crouching in. From inside the abandoned building, she could hear the speech. Jean and Connie were having a quiet conversation, while Mikasa stood by the broken window to wait for her signal. (Y/N) stood alone in the corner of the room, waiting for the signal as well. It should only be a few minutes from now, or maybe sooner. This was one of the most nerve-wracking moments in her whole life.
The young woman took one last glance around her before walking over to the stairs. At the bottom of them, her father stood by the wall, keeping watch just in case. She silently walked down the steps and stood right behind him. Levi slowly turned his head and softened his gaze when he saw her standing there.

(Y/N) walked over to him and leaned against the empty space of the wall next to him,
"I'm nervous..." She whispered.
It became silent for a few seconds,
"It's normal to be nervous." Levi whispered, "But everything will be okay, I promise you that. Just remember the plan..."
She slowly nodded her head,
"I wipe them out on the top and then get into hiding, right?" She whispered, "In the building behind us?"
He hummed,
"Yeah, that's right." He whispered, "Don't do anything dumb or change anything."
"I won't." (Y/N) whispered, rolling her eyes, "Anyway, let's go up. It's almost time."
She stood up properly and gestured towards the stairs. Levi let out a small sigh before taking out his gun,
"I'll stay here..." He whispered.
She raised an eyebrow at his sudden words,
"Dad..." She whispered, "Nobody's going to come in here. We need you upstairs."
He shook his head,
"Go." He whispered, "I'll meet you when the time is right."
She furrowed her eyebrows at him before rolling her eyes. Quickly, she walked back towards him and stood in front of him. They stood there, looking at each other silently for a moment or two.

She managed to crack a forced smile on her face. Levi saw right through it, but didn't address it,
"Stay safe, dad." She whispered, "...Please."
He only hummed,
"I will." He whispered, "Stay nearby so I can see you. I don't want you getting hurt."
(Y/N) nodded before placing her index finger and middle finger on her forehead, but immediately moved them to point at him. A signal; a wave goodbye. She turned around and headed back up the stairs. Right when she reached the top of them, a huge explosion rang throughout the area.
Everybody stood up on alert, and they all looked at one another. They didn't even have to say a word to each other. In that instant, they all knew what they had to do. (Y/N) quickly ran the opposite way of everybody else and jumped out of the broken window. As she maneuvered herself up towards the roof, she caught glimpse of what was happening. Finally, after so long, she saw Eren. He was in his Titan form as he destroyed everything in his way.
As she landed on the roof, she turned her head to face what was in front of her. All of the enemies were shooting at her and her comrades, but being such a strong woman, she easily dodged them all.

(Y/N) ran up to one of them and twisted his arm before using him as a human shield as the others shot them. She dropped his body once it went lifeless, and then grabbed both of her guns that were strapped onto her thighs. Descending from the number ten, in counting, she eliminated half of the people on the roof. The other allies were shooting them as well from the air, and this was another signal.
(Y/N) reached her hand into a compartment strapped onto her leg, and grabbed a grenade. She placed it up to her lips and pulled the firing pin before throwing it at them. Before it exploded, she already had maneuvered herself to the building in front of her. Everybody on that rooftop had died, and now guarding it were the Survey Corps.
The young woman suddenly heard somebody come down next to her, and she quickly turned her head to see her father.
Levi wasn't looking at her, but what was behind them. Though she already knew what he was looking at, she couldn't help but examine what was happening in front of her. (Y/N) watched as Eren struggled to eat the war hammer titan's holder as he was encased in its hardened web. A small smack on her back is what caused her to look back at her father. They looked into each other's eyes,
"It's time." Said Levi.

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