Chapter Two: Twister

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The young woman let out a small sigh, shutting her eyes right after. With winter approaching soon, the weather was starting to get colder everyday. The scouts started to wear their coats again, and wasn't set out on many expeditions like before. (Y/N) gripped her hot cup of tea tighter in her freezing hands, trying to get some warmth from it. Imani walked into the dining-room as she wiped her hands with a towel. The mother placed the white cloth onto the chair before grabbing the arm of it and placing her other hand on her hip. She smirked,
"How is it?" She asked.
(Y/N) shot her head up to look at her mother, only to notice that her hair was covering her face. She quickly brushed it away, showing her tired eyes. The bags underneath them were dark, which caused Imani's eyes to widen,
"Have you gotten any sleep?" She asked worriedly, "You look dead."
She quickly walked over to her daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder. The (H/C) haired woman managed to let out a dry laugh,
"I can't." She said, "Ever since those people came, I've been working harder than ever. I'm also too afraid to sleep with them being so nearby."
(Y/N) took a sip of the hot tea,
"Does your father trust them?" Imani asked.
The younger woman shrugged her shoulders, before bringing the cup back up to her lips.

It became silent for a few moments before Imani let out a sigh. She sat down on the seat next to her daughters and placed her hands on the table,
"I haven't heard much." She said, "Would you please explain what's going on over there?"
The young woman hummed,
"Hange-san and dad wants to work with them." (Y/N) said, "They have all this...Weird technology stuff and amazing weapons. It really is crazy, mom."
A sudden look of concern fell over her face as she continued to explain,
"But it seems too good to be true." She said, "Sure we have them locked up as prisoners and shit, but...I still don't trust them that well. What happens if they contact Marley? They're able to do that without even having to send letters!"
(Y/N) stood up from her chair as panic rushed through her whole body. She quickly walked over to the window and watched as people walked by the house. Her eyebrows furrowed,
"Anybody in the crowd can be one of them, waiting to make a move." She said, "It's...Too much for me to handle."
Imani smiled at her,
"Don't worry, (Y/N)." She said, placing her chin on her hand, "Nothing bad will happen, especially since you have strong people by your side. They're the ones who should be afraid, not you..."

(Y/N) slowly turned her head to face her mother, and allowed a nervous smile to spread across her lips,
"I guess..." She muttered.
She walked over to the table again, and grabbed the cup of tea, drinking the rest of it in one gulp. Once she finished, she placed the cup back down with a sigh,
"But be careful." Said Imani, "Even if they start to gain your trust, we really don't know them."
"I will." She said, "You know me, mom..."
(Y/N) smiled at her mother,
"Oh, one more thing." She said, "Wait right here, I'll go grab it."
Imani quickly got up from the table and walked into the other room. A minute or two passed by before she came back, and she handed her daughter a letter,
"Give this to your dad." She said.
"What's it about?" (Y/N) asked, examining it.
"Well, that's between your father and I."
"Ew, gross."
Her mother rolled her eyes before laughing a little. She sat down on the chair and smiled,
"You'll do the same when you're in love." She said.
"You two have been married longer than the walls have been around." Said (Y/N).
Imani scoffed, which only caused her daughter to laugh. Her (E/C) eyes examined her mother's annoyed face, making her to grin.

"I'm teasing you." She said, "I'll give your love letter to dad after I read it."
"You better not." Said Imani angrily.
"I'm kidding!"
(Y/N) snickered as she placed the letter in her coat pocket,
"I should be leaving now anyway." She said, turning to look back at her mother.
"I wish you didn't have to." Said Imani, "Have a safe trip back. Make sure to write to me!"
The young woman nodded her head before walking over to the front door. She turned her head to face her mother,
"I love you." Said (Y/N).
"Love you too." She said.
She whipped her head back around and opened up the front door, exiting and shutting it behind her right after. A cold wind blew past her, making her shiver. It was only the late afternoon as well.

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