39. Clashing in Brazil

Start bij het begin

'This is the best compliment anyone ever gave me' Seb told her, kissing her passionately. 'I love you so much' he told her, kissing her again. She felt his hand on her cheek, his fingers intertwining with her hair. She pressed herself against him, letting his tongue play with hers.

She pulled away from him, a cheeky smile on her face. 'I wasn't expecting you to want to start trying now' she smirked.

'chi ha tempo non aspetti tempo'* he replied, lifting her over to their bed.

(*Italian idiom, meaning if you have time now, do not postpone something)

Race day

Having the Netflix crew around was making any simple task a thousand times more difficult. Firstly, you didn't want to be the one messing up in front of them; secondly everyone would be dissecting every single movement so there was no time for shortcuts. Valeria had tied her hair in a ponytail, put some light make-up on and had made sure her uniform was up to the highest standards. She didn't want to be caught out in any way.

She and the rest of the crew had been watching the screens intently. They watched as Charles overtook Seb down the straight with just six laps to go. Valeria knew Seb would try to overtake him again and he did. The whole garage watched in horror as Charles front right and Seb's rear left tire got punctured as the two had the slightest of collisions.

The mechanics roared in agony. Pietro tried to contain his disappointment, but Valeria just couldn't. 'ma porco... che cazzo è successo? Non ci credo! Non è possibile. Ma mannaggia...'

(Goodamn, what the fuck just happened? I can't believe it! It's impossibile. Damn...)

The camera panned out to her before moving on to Mattia, who was holding his face in his hands. Valeria took a deep breath. She knew both of the drivers would be agitated and blaming each other. This was a PR nightmare. She watched the cars get picked up by the cranes as Seb stood there in disbelief, holding his face in his hands.

After a while they both returned to the garage. 'in with Vale, please' Pietro told them as he followed them into the room Valeria had chosen.

'I can't believe...'Charles started.

'you? What should I say?' Seb interjected.

'I gave you enough space!'

'you did not'

'SHUT THE HELL UP. BOTH OF YOU.' Valeria exploded.

'Your fiancée started this mess' Charles told her.

'and your mate here didn't help the situation. He started it months ago'

'I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT WHO STARTED IT. I'M ENDING IT.' She slammed her hand on the table so hard she actually hurt herself. 'You two need to re-learn how to be teammates' she continued. 'I'm sick and tired of being asked the same questions about you two. Pietro and I have bent over backwards for both of you and now it's time you repay our hard work. Now, you apologise to each other, you apologise to Mattia, you go do your interviews and then you come apologise to Pietro too, who has to pick up the pieces.' Valeria stormed out of the room. She couldn't believe either of them, nor she could believe what she had just told them. This time she had completely lost it. She walked out of the garage as soon as the race ended. She had missed the action of the final lap and was confused as to why Alex wasn't on the podium, she thought she'd rewatch the last few laps after everything (and she) had calmed down. She looked over to Mattia as he was being interviewed by some journalist.

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