Chapter 70. (I'm Out)

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Chapter 69. (Previously in Adopted By 5SOS)

"Guys, seriously stop" Luke complained, walking in with us, Michael shutting the door after him. I was on Luke's side, something was strange about how she was acting. She wouldn't want to just play a -

Play a game

This was her game!

Oh my gosh no

I need to warn them somehow!

Calum set the board in front of us and we all sat in a circle around it.

She jumped into it first, pushing her fingers onto the little mover piece.

The boys immediately followed, placing two fingers onto it, they all started at Luke, and he finally fell into the trap, placing his two finger on to it.

I didn't really pay attention to the questions they were asking, but it was quite concerning when she started chanting something from my body, and moving the piece around to different letters.

The boys started freaking out, yelling at me to stop, and Luke continuously shouting that he warned us about this happening.

But the worst happened when Luke tried to take the board away.

She grabbed his arm so tightly he actually started crying out in pain, I could tell my eyes were now black by the frightened look on all of their faces.

Luke was thrown against the door, smashing it open, the lights started to flicker, and everything was loud in the house, and then the energy lifted from me, she disappeared and I fell unconscious

Chapter 70.

I woke up still on the ground, I had only been out for a couple of minutes. I forced my eyes open to see four pleading boys hovering over me with tears in their eyes.

Calum let a few tears roll down his cheeks before letting out a quiet sob.

"What the hell just happened?" Luke whimpered, pulling me into his chest.

"I told you not to give me that medicine!" Was the first thing I said before bursting into tears, stuffing my face into Luke as I weeped into him harder.

We all kind of just sat there, not knowing what to do next. The boys stopped showing fear as soon as they started, obviously for the purpose of me.

But the tears didn't stop, nor did the sobs of fear and confusion. She had so much control and power it frightened me to think what she could do next.

I knew they let her out, she didn't need to posses me, or mentally force me into doing or saying things because now she could do it all physically.

She has the strength to do that. She was released.

"Please tell me what just happened." Michael suddenly said, silencing my tears. He was starring straight ahead, blankly at the plain white wall, going over everything that just happened in his his head.

"You let her out." I whimpered out, they must have known and understood what I was talking about because they all showed faces of fear.

"S-she took control of me, I couldn't move, couldn't speak" i sputtered out, crying harder.

"We should have known, when would you ever act or speak like that, damn it we're so stupid." Luke huffed, hugging me harder into his warm chest.

About 30 minutes later I was all teared out, and everyone had their thoughts cleared so we were all just sitting in the confined space, waiting on something to happen next.

"Should we take you to a hospital?" Ashton asked, turning to me with a sign of worry.

"No," I squeaked "I'm fine."

"We need to get a paranormal control person thing" Michael sighed. [OMG SHOULD SAM & DEAN BE FT IN THIS STORY HAHAHA BUT FOR REAL SHOULD THEY??!?]

"How about we get out of here for a few days, yeah lets go pack" ashton decided, being the first to stand and grab Michael and Calum [I WAS GONNA SAY MICHAEL AND CLIFFORD WTFF HAH] and walking out of the closet to go pack.

Luke carried me to his room first, laying me on the bed, giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead, whispering soothing words before packing a whole bunch of random things into a suit case.

He finished, picking me up and carrying me bridal style into my room. He placed me on my bed and started packing for me, throwing clothes & essentials to last me a few days.

So that's what we did, we packed the car, locked the house and left to a hotel for a couple of days.


A little boring and sorry for the late update :(.

But thanks for reading ;).

pls follow loser.muke on ig it would mean a lot <3

Our current goal is 300 :)


🌸QOTD: Should I make like a contest book for those that wanted to co-own an insta account with me :) I can choose like 3-4 people maybe 5 ?🌸


Twitter- @ hamronyy
Personal IG- @ harmonyxrooney
Fan account IG- @ loser.muke

I love you

Xx :)

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