Chapter 53.(Mad Luke)

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Chapter 53.

"Well we're going to have to call someone in to make sure she's alright, I mean we can't let her sleep she could have a concussion, and she doesn't like the hospital so..." Calum's voice was quiet, but deep making it easier to hear from the spot I was in.

They were in the kitchen, apparently just getting snacks but I knew they were talking about me, it was obvious, and I proved myself right by the conversation I 'wasn't' eavesdropping.

They all came back in at the same time, each carrying a different bowl of snacks.

They set them all on the coffee table that was in front of the couch.

"I'm fine guys, I don't need to see a doctor." I sighed.

They turned to me, shocked.

"Yes you do" Michael immediately said, looking over my face.

"No I don't.." I pursed my lips, and put my hand on my head. "I'm just in a little bit of pain, nothing to worry about, they only trampled on me a bit" I rolled my eyes.

"Well we've already called, she's on her way" Ashton stuck out his tongue, obviously thinking he won that argument.

Funny fact... he didn't.

But I'll just let him think he did.

I ignored them the whole movie, it was starting to get late, around 6 when Ashton decided to get up and make some dinner.

In half an hour he was finished, he made pasta, I walked, well limped to the kitchen (WITHOUT MY CRUTCHES) [at least I remembered..]

I sat down beside Calum, playing with my food, I had a massive head ache but I kinda didn't wanna tell them.

I knew they would probably over react, and start freaking out, and I just wasn't in the mood.

I took a bite, chewing quietly, it was good, but I just didn't have an appetite.

While the silence consumed us the door rang, they all looked that way, Ashton standing up and scurrying quickly to the door.

I made sure no one was watching as I quietly snuck out of the dining room, running up into my own room, I shut the door, climbing into bed and sighed.

I stuffed my pounding head into the fluffy pillows, groaning loudly.

15 minutes later I was struggling to keep my eyes open, they started to flutter shut, I tried to desperately keep them open, Calum's warnings of falling asleep while having a concussion floating into my mind, but I just couldn't keep them open.

As they were starting to close, the door opened.

I sat up, a surprised gasp leaving my lips.

I was fully awake now, I wasn't laying anymore, I sat up, blinking away the sleep.

"There you are" Calum said.

I saw a doctor walk behind him and I rolled my eyes. it was kind of surprising seeing as it was a girl, my normal doctor was a guy?

"Ok Cass, you're going to have to just lay down here so Doctor. Shelly can take a quick look and make sure everything is alright ok?" Calum smiled and I just glared at him, I guess Calum won...

"Well, she seems alright, a few scrapes and bruises, it'll be a bit sore for a couple of days, your leg is doing good, seems like it's healing properly, and she does not have a concussion, nothing too serious, but you will experience head aches, migraines, pain etc" she finished.

"TOLD YA" I yelled at Calum, wincing from the loud voice of my own yell.

"I'm guessing you have a bad head ache now" she smiled sincerely and it made me hate her even more.

"No we asked her already, she said she didn't" Luke smiled.

"No I do" I mumbled quietly.

Luke looked taken aback.

See told ya they would probably over react or be mad...

I turned around, letting the nurse drop two pills in my hand.

I starred at her a second, before looking to the boys.

"Her-" Michael was about to take them when Luke suddenly stopped him, "no Mike, dude she doesn't want our help obviously, let her do it man" he said, Michael stepped back, a pout taking over his lips.

And now he's mad at me ....

I swallowed the lump in my throat, ignoring their conversation, and the doctor leaving as I grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge.

I set it on the counter, taking off the lid, dropping the pills in and grabbing a spoon.

I started to stab it in, stirring.

God damn how do you make it so blended ?

You could still see the chunks of pills.

I tried my best, smashing it in before bring a spoon full to my lips, I ate it, cringing at the taste. Doesn't taste the same as when Luke makes it...

I knew he was going to over react about it ugh.

When I finished, and disposed of it, I skipped walking through the living room and just went up to my room, getting dressed for bed before jumping in it and going to sleep.



Extremely short fml

My writing is weird today and not fully me Like I'm not putting effort into it RLLY I'm sorry

But I've been super busy

And school started

And you needed a chapter and I love you guys






Is there a way where I can shower and make this at the same time bc I turned my shower on like 10 minutes ago and I still haven't gotten into it.

That's kinda a waste of water.. IMMA go in HA

So ya this is short and boring nothing cool except for a mad Luke ..

Can you fūcking imagine a mad Luke damn that would be so hot ajkfala love me Luke

//////////////////:)/////////////////🌸QOTD: Not sure if I asked this but...

Favourite subject in school ? 🌸

Honestly hate everything about school, if I had a choice not to go and if living was free I probably wouldn't go but I like English ...




that is all

Bye ilyalllllll


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