Chapter 3.(What!?)

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Chapter 3.

I woke up to the creaking sound of my door. I didn't move a muscle. Who would that be? Mrs Brittan?

I felt the bed sink down. Someone was on it...with me. Wait 20 minutes until the visitors would be arriving!

How long did I sleep? Was that who was on my bed with me? Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my leg.

It took all I had in me not to scream or run away in fear. "Cassidy" someone whispered. Their voice was soft but deep. I gulped.

"Shh Luke, lets just leave her" Someone else said, they all had accents. And their voices were really deep. Oh god they are guys.

Are they in here alone? "no wake her up, she doesn't deserve to sleep" Mrs. Brittan growled.

"Exactly" 'she' hissed. I ignored her and played along with my sleeping plan. "b-but she looks so peaceful" someone whispered.

"Hell, ill do it myself" she roared. Bony hands gripped onto my shoulders and pulled me up. I screamed.

A part of the reason I screamed was because her bony hands were digging into my shoulders, and her nails were long and sharp and the other part was she really scarred me.

Not only right now but in general. "Hey" someone shouted pulling her back, away from me.

Tears flowed down my face as I quietly sobbed. "Shut up would you" Mrs Brittan snarled from across the room.

I was trembling in my spot unsure what exactly to do. I looked up and saw 4 boys.

One with short blackish/brownish hair, one with blonde hair, one with dirty blonde hair and one with light brown hair.

The one with blonde hair and faded blue looked me in the eyes, immediately making me look down.

"Have you chose who you want" Mrs Brittan rudely asked. "yes" they all nodded, turning their attention to her and not me. thank god.

"Alright well come back down stairs and we'll get you to fill out some paper work" she said glaring at me.

I bit my lip and put my head down. I was in deep trouble and I'm not even sure what I did.

They finally left the room after another 3 minutes, leaving me alone. Exactly how I liked it.

I laid back down and sighed. "Did you see the look he gave you! He's grossed out!" 'she' laughed. I can't see her anymore.

When I first got to the orphanage I started to loose sighting of 'her' but I can still hear her, always.

When I was younger I would see her. She wasn't always mean. When I was 3 she turned mean. The same time my parents did.

I never understood what I did to them but I never got too into it. I wasn't a 'bad' child.

Suddenly the beep from the speaker above sounded. "Cassidy. Pack your things. Your being adopted" Mrs Brittan's somewhat manly voice said through the speaker.

My eyes widened. "w-what" I choked out. This can't be happening!



There's an update for anyone that wanted one. Thanks for reading, to anyone that reads and feel free to comment :p

Adopted By 5SOSΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα