Chapter 10- October 11

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This entry is dedicated to Dr. MJ.
You're a useless idiot.

I like how you waste your time on students who don't really need help, all because you misinterpret their lack of received attention for anger issues.

Instead of pursuing people like my roommate Persephone (who is absolutely fine might I add, just living life to the fullest), you should have paid better attention to the ticking time bomb that finally exploded.

The events that occurred last week were ones I've seen before, but others haven't.

One student almost killed another that day, throwing him, along with a whole ass table, at a wall.

From what I've heard, he was left severely concussed, with a broken elbow and cracked temple.

The cause of this outburst remains unknown, concealed by the principle and staff.

It's been a week.

And no one's seen either of the boys...

See this could have been avoided if you had done your job better.

But you didn't.


Like in other aspects of your life, you've failed.

Failed to diagnose him, failed to help him, failed to prevent this.

You also think you have me figured out... everyone apparently does... including Soren.

I'm not too complicated. Not at all actually, but I hate when people pretend they know all about me, when even I, don't know myself.

I wouldn't say I'm anorexic like you do. I'm just used to having one meal and a half a day.

I'm not depressed, I'm numb.

And I'm not traumatized, I'm disgusted and tired.

You think family is a sensitive topic to me, but it isn't.

I don't really know what having a functional family feels like, so I don't even know what I'm missing out on.

But hey, at least I got a good sense of humor out of this. A dark one... but I get called funny nonetheless.

I hope your future relationships are as successful as your job is.

It will save you another failure: raising a dysfunctional mini you.

The girl with the daddy issues.

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