Chapter 8

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Another two weeks had gone by, and the three new kids were forced into therapy almost everyday.

Soren had just left math class and was headed towards counseling.

When he arrived, the door was closed, indicating someone was already inside, so he sat on one of the chairs outside, slumping into the seat. He still had not come to terms with the whole psychologist thing, but shut his mouth about it because she was right. It would only make things worse.

He crossed his arms and fixed his gaze onto the floor, moving his eyes with every new pair of shoes that passed before him.

The sound of loud chewing made his head snap up to the seat beside his.

Next to him a girl with short, jaw length pink hair chewed her gum loudly as she flipped through the pages of some anime magazine. He hadn't even noticed her sitting by him.

At this point he was getting frustrated. 15 minutes he had been waiting, while he could've been at lunch.

The same boring uniforms that came and went before him in the halls. The obnoxiously loud mastication of bubblegum by him. The annoying leaf that fell onto his hair from the plants layered on the shelves overhead. His patience was running thin...

Soren's right leg bounced up and down as he rubbed his hands together and alternated positions every few minutes.

Finally the door opened, and out came Mavis followed by Dr.MJ herself.

Mavis had a bored look on her seemingly always tired face.

She was wearing a jean jacket over the usual white button up everyone else was wearing, and fishnets under her skirt.

She blew her grown out bangs out of her eyes, and threw her backpack over one shoulder, beginning to walk away despite MJ still talking to her.

"Very well then. Soren, you may enter."

He stood, shooting the pink haired girl a nasty look to which she replied by popping the bubble she had formed loudly.

He entered behind Miranda.

"Oh my, Mavis forgot her room keys. Take a seat, I'll be right back. Gotta give them back to her." She rushed out the room, leaving him alone.

He dropped his bag on the single person couch and leaned over the desk.

Papers and files -including his- were scattered along the wooden desk. In the center lay a notebook wide open. Underneath it Mavis's file.

Soren glanced back at the door before moving closer to the notebook.

On there were written details about his schoolmate which he didn't know.

He didn't really know anything about her, and what he saw just confirmed it.

At the bottom was written "Inference: depression, dissociation, anorexia."

The signature heel clacking alerted him, and he quickly fell back into his seat, a lump stuck in his throat.

Miranda entered, closing the door behind her and then taking her place behind her desk.

"Okay, so now that we've gotten to know each other a bit more, let's talk abit about home life." She says, flipping the page on her notebook and pulling out his file.

Soren ran both hands over his face, before running his fingers through his hair.

"What's you relationship with your parents like?"

He prodded his tongue against the inside of his cheek as Dr.Turner stared at him in anticipation.

"Look Miranda." He begins, straightening his posture. "What do you expect me to say, huh? That I hate my father? That he never pays attention to me? Or that my mother is an ignorant cougar who slept with half my best friends? Because that's not how it is. I don't have a bad relationship with my parents that left me mentally scarred."

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