Chapter 32

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It was the second day of spring break. Most of the students were allowed to leave of their own volition for two weeks.

Soren walked out into the eerily silent hall, locking the door behind him as his roommate had already left the school.

Dileini and Persephone had invited Mavis and him to one of their gigs. Well... more like forced them to tag along. The two have been talking about it none stop for the past several weeks, so he and Mavis would spend the night in their friends' hometown, then crash at Callum's place, before heading home for the rest of spring break.

Soren headed to the girls' room to collect them as the time they'd agreed on meeting had arrived. He rapped his knuckles against the door once and waited.

"Who is it?" Mavis's voice came muffled.

"It's me."

"Oh. Come in."

He opened the door wide, not expecting Mavis to be standing half naked in-front of the closet. Soren froze in the doorway, eyes trained on her long bare legs.

Mavis wore only a t-shirt, not all that oversized, which exposed her black underwear and long bare legs. She had the fabric of the shirt bunched up in one hand as the other hand scratched her head thoughtfully.

She turned to face him, land and sea eyes not portraying a hint of concern to the fact she wasn't completely dressed in his presence.

"Come in and close the door would you?" She peeked over his shoulder.

He hesitantly obeyed as footsteps sounded in the hall behind him.

"I can't figure out what to wear." Mavis conceded as he sat on her bed.

I wouldn't mind you not wearing anything.

He guiltily thought to himself.

She rummaged among the few clothes she'd brought with her.

Fishing out some pieces he'd already seen her wear, she held them out before herself in a silent debate.

Finally she settled for a long navy skirt with big red hearts on it, which honestly looked liked she'd pulled it out of some hippie grandma's closet, a tiny black long sleeved crop top and ankle high white socks along with a pair of knock off Dr.Martin oxfords.

"How do I look?" She twirled around to ask him.

The outfit looked odd and somewhat tacky, but she managed to miraculously pull it off.

"You look good." He offered. She seemed satisfied, picking up a tote bag from beside him on the bed. She got out a hair brush, brushed it through her unevenly cut bangs, then set off for the door.

They wended their way to the bottom most floor, where they met up with Persephone and Dileini.

"Took you long enough." The roommate threw her hands into the air as she spotted them.

"Were you taking advantage of the empty room." Dileini elbowed Soren suggestively. The latter glared at the grey eyed boy with a suppressed smile on his face.

The four of them took a cab to the city, Mavis riding shotgun as the boys and Persephone crammed into the backseat with her guitar spread across their laps.

The ride was no where near silent as the two band players chatted up the driver, their cheery buzz rubbing off on the rest of them.

Once in the city, Mavis and Soren got dropped off at Callum's so they would unload their bags and have lunch while Dileini and Persephone rehearsed with the rest of their band before the actual gig.

Inside the sleek building, Mavis followed Soren to the reception.

"Hi, uhm- I'm Soren, I believe my cousin has left me his apartment keys." He said to the bored looking security guard on the other side of the smokey reception table.

"Cousin's name." The man opened and closed a few drawers, presumably looking for the keys.

"Callum Josten."

The man dropped the keys onto the marble in a clatter and went back to staring at his phone.

"Callum's not home?" Mavis asked while they waited for the elevator.

"He's on a trip with his friends. I think they went to some beach resort down south." Soren said.

The apartment was as she'd last seen it, only tidier this time.

It was tiny, with the kitchen and sitting area only separated by a bar, and two doors, one leading to the bathroom while the other to Callum's room.

Soren became acutely aware of the single queen sized bed as he entered the sunset painted room. Mavis was too apparently as she stared at the bed with her hands wrung before her.

He laid his bag on the navy divan at the ceiling high windows, zoning out into the city down bellow, bustling like an ant maze.

"Well this is awkward." Mavis plopped onto the bed running her hands across the covers.

"Awkward is our specialty." He laughed, the act unusual to them both, falling beside her. "I wonder how we plan on exploring what ever this is when we're so awkward."

Mavis twisted so she faced his seated figure and looked up at him, eyes glittering.

Soren felt a jolt shoot up his spine watching her bite her lip in thought as she stared at nothing in particular.

The golden light pouring through the windows gilded her face. He leaned down and kissed her gently, his usually broody forest eyes a gleaming emerald.

"Should we-" Mavis began, her hand slowly sliding up the covers to graze his own.

Though she trailed off, Soren knew perfectly well what she meant. He could feel it, smell it, almost taste it.

"After the gig?" He laced his fingers with her. She nodded and he smiled, so unbearably charming, she could almost cry.

"Now, should we go out for food or order in?"

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