And at the same time, Lady Ruth said looking angry and irritated,

"This fool thought it was a good idea to hide that he had been affected by the curse at the time when he caught the wizard."

Asta frowned and send an agry look at Yuno. "Really, Yuno?! What were you thinking?" Yuno said nothing. And Asta felt his anger building at the situation, he is worried, yuno is his brother after all.

"Not only that," said Lady Solace, gently rubbing Lady Ruth on the shoulders to calm the older woman down, "but it seems that Yuno has been affected by another version of the curse. Not the same one as everyone else." To this yuno parked up and looked towards the doctors.

"It's the worst version," whispered Dr. Owen, sympathetically looking towards him.

"Yuno must confess and get the love reciprocated otherwise..." Dr. Owen trailed off but yuno knew. He heard the earlier explanations when this whole mess started and he knew. But to think that he has to get the person he love, reciprocate his love is laughable. So he did what he thought, he started laughing loudly.

Everyone's in the infirmary were shocked. They were stunned, mouth gaping open and looking towards the young boy who was laughing uncontrollably. Asta who was going to say something shut his mouth and looked towards yuno with jaw dropped, it was the first time yuno laughed but it was not the moment to laugh at all.

Lady solace,lady Ruth and dr. Owen exchange an worried and stunned look. They thought that the boy will be depressed but they certainly were not expecting it.

Even Nozel silva was surprised. He didn't know why the boy was laughing but the one thing he knew was that it was certainly not a laughable topic.

There was a silence in the whole infirmary except for his laugh. After laughing for one or two minute he started coughing uncontrollably. Asta ran towards him and pat him on the back. Everyone was looking towards him, stunned,shocked but with pity in their eyes. He hated these looks than anything else.

Asta's heart felt like it dropped into stomach.

"Nonononononono, Yuno, no. This is not going to kill you. You're stronger than this," said Asta, feeling the dread claw its way out of his mouth, the dread and worry that he always tried to keep at bay in order not to seem overbearing. "Isn't there anything else we can do?!"

While Asta panicked and asked a million questions to the three experts on the matter, Yuno laid on the bed absolutely beyond mortified. He was the vice-captain of the Golden Dawn. He was going to be the Wizard King. Asta was worried, Yuno could tell from the look on Asta's face. Asta never got worried, not like that.

Yuno shook his head and looked morosely at Asta who asked every possible question to try to fix it. Asta was good at fixing things for other people, but this was something that Asta could not fix.

"I'm sorry, Asta," said Lady Solace, in calm, but mothering tone. It looked like the woman was holding herself back from hugging Asta. "We'll do everything we can as this one is so different..."

"Can my swords do something, anything?"
Asked asta. Everyone had laughed at his stupidity but it was not a laughable situation so they just remained silent.

Before another tirade from anyone, Yami Sukehiro was suddenly in the room and putting his large hand on Asta's head. "Calm down, brat. Let Lady Solace finish explaining."

Yuno || The love that i can't have Where stories live. Discover now