Date Night

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Taehyung set in the back of the transport van holding Jungkooks hand in his lap.  He's so happy to finally have a night off to go out and do something fun.  They were headed to see Choi Woo Shik's new movie Parasite.  Of course they were going to a midnight showing to avoid crowds though.  Not so much to hide their relationship,  as it was a safety precaution to avoid being bombarded by fans.  They've really been looking forward to seeing this film and had been putting it off for quite a while, but now the stars aligned, and they are both able to go.

With both of them being so busy, doing things for the group as well as individually, getting the chance to go out together is a rarity.  They mostly get to see each other at night after their schedules.  It almost seems like they get to spend more time with their individual squads than each other.

Taehyung still has his Wooga Squad as well as Park Bogum, and Jungkook has his 97 line Squad. They have noticed that their are more pictures of them with their squads in the news than with each other.  This makes them aware that they need to make a greater effort to spend time together as well. They have fought hard for their relationship,  it would be a shame to have put all that effort in only to have it fall apart because of communication and not having quality time with each other.

Having reached their destination, Taehyung studies the back of Jungkooks head as he leads him by his hand out of the van and into the theater.   He's so handsome. The way he always positions himself in front of Tae when they are out, to protect him from anything or anyone, is so endearing to him.  He's the Hyung, but Kookie has always acted as if he were the older of the two. He feels so lucky to be able to call him his.  As they walk up to the snack counter, Tae is overcome by an overwhelming urge to hold him, so he steps up close behind him and wraps his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him into a back hug.

Jungkook immediately leans his head back into the hug, resting it on his shoulder.

Jungkook:  What kind of snacks do you want to eat Love?

Taehyung:  I just want you.

Jungkook quickly turns around and pulls Taehyung into his embrace. Putting his masked lips against Tae's, unaware or maybe not caring about the shocked cashier at the snack bar register waiting to take his order. Putting his face next to Tae's ear, he whispers a sweet message.

Jungkook:  You will have me later tonight. Right now, I want to take my love out on a much needed date. I want to watch you watch a movie, I want to feed you, and then later I want to make love with you.

Taehyung:  Yah! Don't watch me watch the movie, I want you to watch the movie with me Pabo!

Jungkook:  But babe, I like watching the little pout on your lips and widening of your eyes when you are concentrating. Its adorable.

Taehyung:  I don't pout.

Jungkook:  You're pouting behind your mask right now aren't you?

Taehyung:  What! No!

He quickly glances at the mirror behind   the counter to see if it was obvious he was pouting.

Jungkook chuckles and turns back to the cashier to order their snacks before they miss the start of their movie.


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