"Yeah, but I just don't wanna wear the wrong thing", she whines.

"Alright, hang in there for, like, 20 minutes. I'm on my way to your house", I turn out of the driveway. "I've got to go, I'm driving. See you in a bit", I hang up.

Approximately 20 minutes later, I arrive at Hayley's house, greeted by their maid, Donna. "Hello, Morgan. It's lovely to see you again", she hugs me.

"Nice to see you again too, Donna. It's been a while", I look around the house.

"Yes it has. You should come over more often, you know we love having you".

"Thank you. I'm a little busy at the moment but when I have time I'll come round", I nod, smiling. "Anyway, I better go help Hayley", I wave goodbye, running up to Hayley's room."I have arrived", I announce, strutting into her room.

"Thank god", she sighs in relief. "Please help me", she gestures to the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Okay, let's see", I kneel by the pile of clothes, arranging them into piles. "No—no—nope—ew", I throw a bunch into the 'no' pile. "These are mine", I hold up a pair of ripped mom jeans. "Here, make a 'yes' pile", I hand the jeans to her as I continue looking for a top. "And this", I hand her a white, cropped tank top. "Go change", I usher her into the bathroom.

As Hayley's changing, I hear my phone ring from beside me. "Hey, how you feeling?" Romeo asks as I answer the phone.

"Feeling better. I took some medicine, one that I'm not allergic to this time", we both chuckle. "I'm at Hayley's helping her get ready for her date with Jacob".

"Okay, I'm going to have to go now", I hear shouting in the background. "See you later".

"Bye", he hangs up.

"Ahem", I hear Hayley standing in the doorway, narrowing her eyebrows at me.


"You two", she points between me and you phone. "I already know that was Romeo by that stupid grin you had on your face the whole time. Girl, you have to get your head in the game. This is a fucking mission".

"I know", I groan. "Okay? I know, I'm sorry. He's just a nice guy, you know? He really does not deserve to be feared by the whole fucking world.. basically".

"Okay whatever, we can have this conversation later. I need a pair of shoes", I nod, walking over to her shoe rack.

"Hm", I pick up one pair, examining it before putting it back. "I know", I slip off my pastel Air Force 1s, handing them to her. "Wear those. Just don't crease them, please".

"You're literally a life saver, thank you", she hugs me before checking her phone. "He's not going to be here for another hour so, how's everything with you and Juliet?" I chuckle, slightly, at the nickname.

"Our date yesterday was so nice. He took me to an outdoor theatre; we sat in the back of his friend's truck and we ate a bunch of snacks", I reminisce the events from last night. "Then he asked me to be his girlfriend, which, obviously, I said yes", I hear Hayley almost choke on her water she was drinking.

"You could've led with that!" She chuckles. "Congrats, even though it won't be for long", I frown at her words.

"Right", I mumble.

The next hour is filled with us scrolling through our phones and occasionally talking about random things until the doorbell rings. "He's here", Hayley breathes in, nervously.

"I'll get it", I jump up excitedly, making my way downstairs. "Hey Jake", I drawl as I open the door. He's stood there in black jeans and a white T-shirt.

Cliche but okay.

"Hey, Morgan", he smiles, shyly.

"Now, as her best friend, I have to say, you break her face I br—wait", he laughs at me. "No, wait. Y—you break her heart, I break your face", I say, slowly. "I think".

"Alright, that's enough of that", Hayley pushes me out of the way, going over to hug Jake. "You ready to go?" She asks him, he nods.

"Have fun, stay safe. Use protection!" I yell at them as they walk to Jake's car. Hayley turns and flips me the bird.

"Fuck you!" She yells back.

"No don't fuck me, fuck him", she gives me a blank stare. "I'm sorry, I was kidding! Not really", I shut the door, chuckling to myself.

I then decide to walk up to Hayden's room to see if he's actually awake, for once. "Hello", I waltz into his room, seeing him sat on the edge of his bed on his phone.

"Hey, I didn't know you were here".

"Yeah, I just came to help Ley get ready", I take a seat beside him. "We should all go out some day. Me, you, Hayley and Jacob".

"Yeah okay", he gets cut off by his phone buzzing. "I better go, I'm going out with James and Liam, and some other people. You can come if you want", he stands to go put on his shoes.

"No thanks, I better get back", I stand with him. "And we'll definitely go out somewhere one day, bye", I leave his room, going downstairs to find Donna. "Hey Donna, I'm going to go now, it was nice to see you again", I walk into the kitchen, finding her cleaning the counter.

"Make sure you come over more often", she hugs me, briefly. "Would you like something to eat? I'll make you whatever you'd like".

"No. Thank you, though. See you", I wave as I leave the house, making my way back to Romeo's house.

eh this chapter is kinda boring

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eh this chapter is kinda boring.

updated authors note.
heheh hi :))) i kinda like this chapter now ive reread it. idk

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