some things that need to be said

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some things that need to be said because most people in the fandom ignore these issues and we are all too old to be doing this shit.

- stop fucking sexualizing 5sos.

       - stop calling ashton daddy for fucks sake. this man has said so many fucking times that he doesn't like it and it makes him uncomfortable. just because it's a joke between the boys because he's the oldest, doesn't mean we are in on it.

      - stop leaving disgusting comments on their posts tbh they are human and dont deserve to be objectified like that.

- normalize 2020 luke. 9/10 times someone likes 2016 luke just because he appears more masculine or some shit idk. he was not healthy then. hes healthy now.

- this is mostly a problem in the 1d fandom but it's kinda in this fandom too- don't ruin the ships by making everything about them. and for fucks sake don't make people hate the gay half of the fandom.

- don't bash people for having ships. most people ship them respectfully and tbh it's better shipping the boys together then shipping them with yourself (most who are underage yikes).

- don't fucking force mystal and lierra down people's throats- and don't force not liking them down people's throats. not everyone has to like the girls just the same as anyone can like them. there are many reasons not to like the girls but i won't get into it. i just want people to get along mainly.

- respect them and their relationships.

- um yeah be nice and stream calm?? guys we did Not appreciate calm like we should've. Y'all let her die so fast and I'm not here for it.

i think that's it. this wasnt a personal attack or anything. we just need to be a little aware of our faults.

if I've done anything gross let me know so i can fix it! love u❤️

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