What the Heck I Gotta Do?

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. 21 Chump Street reference! On a completely unrelated note, Happy Back To Hogwarts day for any HP fans out there. Since I have last updated, which has been forever, I have
1. Watched way too many of Andrew Barth Feldman and Alex Boniello's Broadway Jackbox live-streams
2. Watched the entirety of Avatar: the Last Airbender, Toph Beifong is iconic
3. Watched the entirety of SMASH and cried my eyes out over Kyle Bishop
If any of you haven't watched SMASH and don't want spoilers, please skip the next paragraph.
Ok. KYLE BISHOP DESERVED BETTER. He is a talented cinnamon roll who deserved the world, and put up with way too much of Jimmy's nonsense, and the one time he rightfully stood up to Jimmy, he freaking goes and GETS HIT BY A BUS. Honestly, I didn't cry over his death until the finale episode when Jimmy had to accept his Tony Award for him. Also, the comment Ivy Lynn made about how Hit List only made it to Broadway because Kyle died completely ruined my opinion of her character, even though she didn't mean it. Also, I have seen Andy Mientus in three different roles now (Marius Pontmercy: Les Mis bootleg, Hartley Rathaway: The Flash, and Kyle Bishop: SMASH) and he is amazing in every single one. So I will say it one more time. KYLE BISHOP IS A TALENTED CINNAMON ROLL WHO DESERVES ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD AND SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED. Ok. As you can see, I am still not over it and probably never will be.
Alright, spoilers over. Enjoy the chapter.

Phillip's POV


"Sooooo, when are you going to ask Dia to homecoming?"

This is the THIRD time in the past twenty minutes that Frances has asked me that question. We're sitting at the table, waiting for the end of lunch. The Homecoming dance is Friday night, and I still haven't asked Dia like I want to. I know for a fact that she's going, date or no date, something about her and Damien being "powerful single ladies" or something. At least that's what Damien said.

"Well, why haven't you asked her yet?"

"Maybe because I was a little preoccupied with having been BEAT UP?"

"Good point."

Frances is right about one thing though. I'm running out of time to ask her. Which is why, when Dia gets up to go to English, I immediately run after her.

"Hey, hey, Dia!"

"Hey, Phillip."

Conversation starts up as we walk to English,but I keep stuttering over my words. I sound like Evan. I finally think I've gotten the courage to ask her by the time we reach the classroom.

"Hey, Dia, I was wondering-"

"Oh, Dia, there you are. Could you come over here for a minute? I have a question about your essay."

Come ON Aunt Peggy. I get that she's a teacher and she's got to do her job, but she has the worst timing. Dia walks off, and soon enough it's time for class and I've lost my chance.


"So have you asked her yet?"

"For goodness SAKES Frances!"

I STILL haven't asked Dia to the dance. I tried yesterday, got interrupted by my Aunt/English teacher, and didn't have another chance for the rest of the day. But today is the day. Today is the day that I ask Dia de la Vega to the homecoming dance. I can do this.

Dia and I are standing outside her locker while she puts her books up. Everything is fine, and I think I've gotten up the nerve to ask her.

"Hey, Dia, um, would you-"

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