Getcha Head In The Game

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Concert days are stressful as HECK.

Dia's POV

I'm going to be sick. The orchestra concert is today, and I'm going to be sick. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but that feeling is quickly eclipsed by the feeling of overwhelming doom. I'm going to screw up my solo and embarrass myself and my parents are here and Aunt Nina and Uncle Benny are here and I'm going to be sick.

"It's concert day!"

Miss Taylor seemed excited. I don't know how in the world she's excited.

"Here's how this afternoon is going to work. We are on stage at 6:00. I need you in here at 5:00 so we can tune. Since I also have to tune the other classes, you will have about 15 minutes of free time. At 5:15, we will meet back here to run through all the songs. We will be done warming up at 5:30. You'll have the rest of the time to yourselves until we go onstage at 6:00. Please be on time, and make sure you're in dress code. Concert black, people."

Right. I can do this. Nothing to worry about. Just gotta get through the rest of the day.

After School

I've got to get to the cafeteria for theatre (we're in the cafeteria cause they're setting up for the concert), then get my concert black from my locker and change. Everything should run smoothly from here.

"Alright. Who's ready for our big dress rehearsal!"


"We'll be done about 5:45, so text your parents."

That's what I forgot. Dress Rehearsal. Because the show is tomorrow. I was so worried about the concert that I forgot about the other big thing happening. How am I going to do this, I can't be in two places?

"Dia, what's wrong?"

"I'm freaking out, Pip, cause the concert tonight and I have to be warming up at 5:00 and the rehearsal isn't over until 5:45 and everything is going wrong and-"

"Dia. Breathe. We'll figure this out."

I managed to calm down enough so that I'm not hyperventilating. But what am I supposed to do, go warm up for the concert while I'm not onstage?

"That's a great idea!"

Wait, I said that out loud?

"Wait, I said that out loud? Cause I wasn't serious."

"Yeah, but it could work. With the pace of the show, the times you aren't onstage should just about line up with when you need to warm up. You'll just have to switch between your costume and your concert clothes."

"That...could actually work."

Miss Medda yelled at us to go get in our costumes for the top of Act One, and it's like a clock started ticking down. It's time to get my head in the game.

4:50 pm

Damien and Grace are heading onstage for Bop to the Top, and I'm sprinting to the bathroom to change. Out of the costume, into my concert clothes. I make it to the rehearsal room just in time, and plop down in my chair, out of breath. Jesse looks concerned. My phone goes off under my chair.

Crutchie'sNotSoEvilTwin: R u ok?

DiaDiaDia: ran here from theatre. Dress rehearsal happening NOW

Crutchie'sNotSoEvilTwin: oh that's bad luck. I'm glad im not u.

5:06 pm

We just finished tuning our instruments, and now it's back to rehearsal. Bathroom, change, sprint, and I make it to the cafeteria with about thirty seconds to spare. Whew.

5:14 pm

I skid to a stop inside the rehearsal room, almost knocking over a music stand. Take a few deep breaths, compose myself, and it's time to run through the songs.

5: 27 pm

We're all done rehearsing, so I run back to the auditorium. We're wrapping up the show, and everything is going smoothly, except for the fact that I've been sprinting back and forth across the school. Phillip catches my eye offstage and walks over to me.

"Hey. You look tired."

He leans down a bit and kisses me quickly, then pulls me into a hug. I can barely hear what he's saying because it's muffled by my hair.

"You're amazing, and you're going to rock this concert."

Then he had to go onstage, so we separated. Damien gave me a look from across the room, to which I responded by sticking my tongue out, which was very mature. Totally.

5:48 pm

I survived! Rehearsal's over, but now I have to go change, get my instrument, and get onstage. And play my solo in front of an auditorium full of people. No pressure.

6:00 pm
I'm sitting in my chair, onstage, looking out at the crowd. And there's all my people, taking up almost a whole row. My parents, Aunt Nina, Uncle Benny, Mr. and Ms. Hamilton, Phillip. Frances, Jack, and Damien were there, they probably stayed after rehearsal. Crutchie, Mr. and Ms. Tuck, and a tall, dark-haired guy who must be Jesse's older brother Miles. Sitting next to Crutchie was a familiar redhead who I recognized from the lockscreen of Jesse's phone. That must be Winnie. The lights go down, and Miss Taylor steps up to the stand. She raises her arms to start the piece, and I pick up my instrument to start my solo. 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and I begin to play.

7:00 pm

I did it. Somehow. Jesse and I finished packing up our instruments and headed out to find everyone. They aren't hard to spot, for many reasons. The main one being that Damien is still in his Sharpay costume. He says it's "method acting" but I think he just likes the sequin jacket. It's a mad rush of hugging and congratulating. Then, it's time for what everyone has been waiting for. Except for Jesse. Because he doesn't know about it. Crutchie moves forward and taps him to get his attention.

"So, Jesse. I know there's a've missed since you moved to New York. So we got you something."

Jesse looked confused. Behind him, Winnie came out of her hiding place.

"You didn't think I'd let you run off to Broadway without me, did you Jesse?"


Jesse turned around, almost in shock, then cracked the biggest smile I've seen since I've known him. He immediately threw his arms around her, then turned back to us, smiling, with his arm around her. Winnie was smiling too.

"You guys knew about this?"

"Who do you think set it up?"

Our whole group was smiling now, and we set off to a restaurant nearby who could apparently seat all of us somehow. I looked back at Jesse and Winnie, smiling and laughing and just enjoying being together again. Pip came over and threw his arm across my shoulders.

"You did good."

"With the concert?"

"Well, yeah, but getting Winnie here. It was really cool that you did that for Jesse."

"It was Crutchie's idea."

"Well, maybe it was his idea. But you got it done. You're amazing, you know that?"

"Well, you aren't too bad yourself."

"Thanks...I guess."

I swatted his arm lightly, causing him to duck out of the way, almost running into a lamppost in the process. Our group made it to the restaurant, and I stepped inside, relaxing and taking a deep breath probably for the first time in 24 hours. I survived. Now I just have to get through the show tomorrow. I can do this.

We're almost done folks!

1241 words

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