What'd I Miss?

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. Random question, is anyone a fan of Hadestown? Cause I just listened to it, it blew my mind, and now I'm obsessed. Anyways, here's the chapter.

Dia's POV

People have finally stopped talking about the fight. Mostly. George Eacker was suspended for a month, which is a lighter punishment than I thought he deserved considering he beat one of my best friends to a pulp. Speaking of, Phillip's coming back today. He texted us the day after, saying he was fine, mostly. He missed yesterday to recover and is coming back today with a black eye, a split lip, busted knuckles, and a huge bruise on his stomach, according to Frances. She went to his house last night to check on him. Anyways, he missed this morning but he's coming back during lunch, this period. We're all waiting impatiently. After the longest ten minutes of my life, a familiar figure walked into the cafeteria. Everyone went quiet as he walked in, which was saying something, considering it was a huge cafeteria full of high schoolers with no filter. After Phillip got to his normal spot at our table, he turned around and set everything back to normal.


That made everyone at our table laugh. Soon enough, the rest of the cafeteria returned to their own business.

"So, what'd I miss?"

Then everyone started talking at once.

"Well, "

"Mr. Lee gave us another pop quiz."

"Eacker is suspended for a month cause of the fight."

"Regina was asking about you again."


That made everyone laugh again. After a few more minutes of talking as everyone finished their food, I thought I saw Crutchie pull his phone out under the table. A minute later, Janis's phone went off. She pulled it out, read it, then looked at Jack.

"Hey Jack, we're needed in the art room for some reason."

Jack looked confused for a moment, then, after Crutchie whispered something to him, nodded and left with Janis. A minute later, Damien's phone went off. He pulled it out and read the message.

"Hey, guys? I need to go call my mom. Apparently she checked my grades and is NOT happy."
With that, he left. A minute or two later, Connor got a text. He read it, then stood up.

"I just remembered that I left my phone charger in the courtyard. Evan, you want to come help me look for it?"

Connor and Evan left to "go find his phone charger". I was suspicious at this point. After a minute or two, Jesse stood up.

"I need to go ask Miss Taylor about the viola part of the concert piece, sorry guys."

Soon it was just Crutchie, Frances, Phillip, and I. Crutchie stood up, confirming my suspicions.

"Hey, Frances. Miss Medda needs us in the auditorium. Apparently someone lost the box of mics again."

Phillip and I were alone at the table. He looked confused. And when my phone buzzed with a text from Crutchie, I knew EXACTLY what was going on.

AlmightyCrutchie: Go get your mans 👍😘

DiaDiaDia: you are an evil human being

AlmightyCrutchie: but you love me, cause I'm your gay best friend

DiaDiaDia: yeah I doooooooo

Phillip shrugged, then moved over a few seats so he was sitting next to me. Breathe, Dia. Just talk to him.

"Are you actually ok? Cause I know with that many people asking you, you tend to just smile and nod."

" Yeah, I'm alright. The only thing that still really hurts is my hand."

He placed his hand on mine, showing me the busted skin across his knuckles. I ran my thumb over it gently. It looked like it hurt. That's when it dawned on me that I was basically HOLDING HANDS with Phillip. What. I'm still reeling from Halloween a few nights ago, when he told me I was pretty. And now we're basically holding hands. Maybe I'm overthinking it. He was just showing me his hand. But he didn't have to put his hand in mine. And he still hasn't moved it. What. Is. Happening. He looked like he was about to say something, but the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. I stood up quickly, almost knocking over my chair in the process.

" I need to get to English, sorry."

As I hurried away, I remembered that Phillip is in my English class. Great.

And that's a wrap. Don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving everyone.
Peace Out ✌️

709 words

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