Meet Claudia

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. It's the Author. Who else would it be? This is my new story, centering around my OC, Dia. I'm going to do a little bio for you about her, to get to know her before the story. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving!

Name: Claudia de la Vega
Nickname: Dia
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
Age: 16
Fav color: Red, like Maria Reynolds red
Fav food/drink: Coffee with a little bit of cinnamon
Fav subject: Orchestra
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
About: Dia is from Jackson Heights. Her dad, Usnavi, runs a bodega in the barrio, and her mom, Vanessa, works at a salon. Dia is currently the only kid her age in the barrio, so she doesn't have very much in the friends department. Her best friend is Carla, though she is twice Dia's age, and they like to hang out in the salon with Daniela and Vanessa. Dia plays the violin and loves it, though she doesn't have the best instrument. She received a scholarship for a college preparatory academy in Manhattan and is starting her junior year there. She loves Harry Potter and Miranda, an American musical. She is NOT a fan of bullies, and is not afraid to stand up for herself or someone else, even if it gets her in trouble. If she does get in trouble, she's pretty good at getting herself out of it.

Alright, so that's a bit about Dia. Most of the book will be from her point of view, but it will switch occasionally. Be on the lookout for appearances by some of your favorite characters, not limited to revolutionaries, newsboys, and plastics.
Stay safe out there!
Peace out ✌️

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