Chapter Twenty Five

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You were on the common room sofa, next to the fire, bawling your eyes out. "I'm such an idiot! He was just asking me a question! Why was I being so bloody stubborn?!" You mumbled to yourself, hiccoughing and blubbering. Suddenly you felt someone hugging you. At first you thought it was Malfoy, but then you remembered that he was a little bit shorter and skinnier then this person-. You blushed, realising it was Cedric who was hugging you. You sniffed. "Tell me what happened." He said softly. You didn't exactly want to speak right now, but you knew it was best to tell him. So you did. You saw through tear stained eyes, a range of emotions plastered on Cedric's face. You both just sat there in silence, hugging for what seemed like years, until you heard the painting creak open. You saw Malfoy step in, look at you and then Cedric, with another unreadable expression, then walked past you, without a second glance. Cedric's eyebrows were furrowed and his fists were tightening. "Cedric, no..." you whispered and grabbed onto his arm. Cedric didn't look back at you and just walked intimidatingly towards the boys dormitories.

You followed him quietly and stopped to eavesdrop. Suddenly you heard muffled voices. "What the hell is wrong with you Malfoy?!" You heard Cedric hiss. Somehow this didn't comfort you. "I'm not going to flirt with her anymore. It was all a joke, a prank, but not it's not funny. So go and snog each others faces off, because I couldn't care less." You heard a monotone voice say. You covered your mouth. That deep pit in your heart seemed to finally shatter your fragile emotions. You were right. Your brain went fuzzy and you lost a sense of belonging. You wanted to cry, but you simply couldn't, your sons came out as hoarse grunts. You slowly got up, and walked out of the common rooms. You didn't feel safe there. You didn't know where to go. You'd never felt so alone.

You walked along the tranquil corridors slowly, holding in tears. You settled for Professor Snape's classroom. The last time you'd made a potion.... you were messing around with Malfoy. You smiled to yourself in the memory.


You watched Malfoy's potion become a murky green colour, while yours sparkled bright red. "Wow, Amortentia is really hard to make. How do you do it? Is it because you mix love potions for your little crushes often?" Draco finished with a smirk. "Ha ha." You said, deadpanning. "Yes I've made one before. Ten galleons you can't guess who I gave it to." You said, smirking, stirring your potion clockwise. "Parkinson." He said without hesitation. Your mouth fell open. "Are you using legilimency or something?" You said, narrowing your eyes and placing your spoon down. "No, you're just really easy to read." Draco shrugged, placing his hands on the table and leaning so he was above your potion, looking directly into your eyes. At first, he looked shocked. He looked down at your potion and then slowly back at you. "What? Did you smell Harry Potter's scent or something?" You said, smirking devilishly. "You are insane aren't you?" Draco deadpanned. "Now where are my ten galleons?" He asked firmly, coming back from his leaning stance. "I- I don't have ten galleons." You murmured sheepishly. Draco rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. "One day, you're going to get in big trouble for that." Draco said, a smile twitching on his face. You made the antidote to the potion, talking with Malfoy but always feeling his eyes on yours. "Last time I checked Malfoy, I wasn't a mirror, there was no need to stare at me as if I was a goddess." You said, grinning and putting your antidote in a glass vile. Draco got up and walked around his cauldron and looked down at you. "You're my goddess." He said, cupping your cheek in one of his hands. You knew he was winding you up. "I'd say the same, madam, but there seems to be something wrong with your face, it's got the sort of look that would translate into 'arrogant git'." You said, giggling. Draco looked like he was about to sock or snog your face in so you turned around quickly, but something wet fell on your finger. Due to instinct, you pulled your finger up to your mouth and licked off whatever was on there. Then you stopped dead in your tracks. You'd just drunk the amortentia. You looked up to see Draco, he looked as if a dementor was standing before him. You spun around subconsciously and saw the blur of Draco, and your head was getting fuzzier and fuzzier. You woke up to a soft substance and liquid on your lips. You saw Draco sitting next to you, looking smug. "What happened?" You asked him firmly. "You were being annoying and trying to kiss me, non stop. Not that I didn't want to, I just knew it wasn't real. So I was trying to give you the antidote but you wouldn't comply. So I had to put it in my mouth and I had to kiss you and to put the antidote in." Draco said, his face red with shame, but still trying to look happy. You gagged. "Malfoy!" You screeched. You fake threw up and gagged, then started to laugh. Draco looked confused at first, but soon, he smirked. "Wow, my first kiss, I was having antidote fed to me like a bird." You said, shivering a little but laughing so hard you were choking. Draco still looked a bit bashful so you gave him a hug. "Thanks." You said softly as you snuggled into his Slytherin green robes and took in his unique scent.


You thought back to that memory. Oh how a love potion could help you at this moment. You chuckled softly and started putting random things into the mix. You put in seven of your tear drops, the feather of a Phoenix, the hoof of a unicorn, a strand of chest hair from a centaur, a scale from a thestral, and a drop of acromantula blood. Finally you stirred the whole thing clockwise twice, then fifteen times, anti-clockwise. When you finally looked down at your potion, it looked like liquid silver. You looked at the potion in awe, then grabbed a couple of vials, adding the liquid to them all. You stuffed the vials in your bag and exited the dungeon, walking back to the Gryffindor common room.

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