Chapter Eighteen

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You'd been walking with Draco, hand in hand, for what seemed like hours. It felt like the moment would never end. It was almost eternal, until you saw the distant portrait of the fat lady. You murmured the password and the painting swung open.

All the paintings in the school had seemed asleep since everyone disappeared. You even missed the crazy singing of the fat lady.

You stepped inside the empty common room and turned to face Draco. "I'm going to bed." He muttered. He looked incredibly tired, yet he still composed the handsome look he always had. You nodded your head. He looked down at you and planted a kiss on your forehead...

He gave you a weak smirk and turned and headed for the boys dormitories. You, however wanted to find out what the necklace you took was about. You slumped up the stairs into the girls dormitories. Somehow you weren't that tired, caused by the butterflies caged in your stomach. You couldn't help but smile as you walked past Luna's room, loud snoring exiting it. You walked into your own room and dug around. You finally found the book that Hermione gave to you a couple of months ago. You slipped on a silk nightgown and grabbed the book, your wand and the interesting necklace. You tiptoed back into the common room, wanting to have a fire at your aid when you where searching for the answer to this necklace. You slipped on a extremely comfy chair in front of the fire pit. You pulled out your want, pointing it to the fire place. "Incendio" you muttered. A fire was born in the fire pit. You settled to the new comforting heat and pulled legs up onto the chair. You propped the book open on your lap and held the necklace in the other. You skimmed through the pages of the book, looking for a picture matching your necklace. After about two minutes, you finally found the right page. You started to read.

'Suavitate incorruptione,' or more commonly known as; 'The charm of undying love' is an incredibly powerful charm. This necklace is the most powerful weapon in wizard history. For centuries, wizards of all kind have been looking for the charm that causes love. This charm acts like imperio, however this spell will slowly make someone fall in love with the owner of the necklace. The owner is decided by the necklace, and will glow if it has chosen you as an owner. This extremely dangerous love charm is forever unbreakable and should not be underestimated. This charm creates a love for a person so strong that it could be fatal.
The current position of this item is unknown.'

You read all of this in shock. You clutched the necklace and looked up at it. Sure enough, it was glowing. You just sat there in shock, until you heard the sound of the fat lady portrait opening. You slammed your book shut and chucked it on the shelf, and put the necklace and your wand into your small front pocket. "Hey, y/n." You heard someone say. You looked up to see the perfectly chiseled face of Cedric Diggory, glowing in the moonlight coming from the window, looking at you.

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