Going Home

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Kazuya lifted the last of the equipment from the desk and carries down it's heavy weight too the car, where Cody was awaiting them. He only had mild injuries.

Thankfully, he was in a good mood, they were going to pick up John and the others from the hospital, and finally. Head back home to Japan. He couldn't be more relieved too be going back to his original office. A cup of tea was definitely too his delight.

Cody helped Lin pull the last of the luggage and other supplies into the back of his ute. 

"Cody. I have one last question before the trip begins?" He asked, ignoring Lin's protesting glare. Cody seemed hesitant for a moment. But then, he nodded and gave him a reassuring smile that it was okay too proceed. 

"John's friend Tammy, was only an imaginary childhood friend wasn't she?" Kazuya asked, folding his arms, but his question was confirmed positive when Cody nodded.

Lin looked up from what he was doing, "if that's so than the spirit?" He asked questioned with curiosity.

"The real spirit was actually John's mother than..." He said with clear confidence, "Who took on the form of John's imaginary friend Tammy. When John soon became old enough, the imaginary friend disappeared in the form of death. It's not uncommon for young kids. And the photograph on the wall where the door had appeared? Who are they?" Kazuya asked after his explanation.

"The girl was John's mother and our father as young children." Cody replied, "John had a different mother too the rest of us, John's mother died from cancer. She was in alot of pain and she threw herself down that well. No one ever told John because... He had claimed his friend Tammy had fallen down there also. Eventually he just completely forgot everything and as he got older pursued his career as an exorcist." Cody added, pulling the last suitcase into the ute.

"Which would explain why it was so real for John at the time, because a body had actually been pulled out of the water. So the whole time John grieved over that well, was because his mother had actually fallen down there." 

Lin soon interrupted. "So how was it a spirit could take the form of something like that?" He questioned, eyeing his boss. As was Cody.

Kazuya went blank for a moment, in all honesty. He wasn't sure himself. "We'll be looking into that Lin. Either way the spirit has passed on and no more trouble will come to the house, whether John is here or not." Kazuya said. Earning a nod from Cody.

After saying farewells to the family and receiving their appreciation. They departed for the trip to pick up the rest of the team.


Monk came into the room John had been assigned to at the hospital. Where he was having the drip removed from his arm. 
Thankful, Monk was so thankful, although he hadn't been able to do much, he could happily say now. He was going to be staying with John until all the injuries had healed.

He met eyes with a pair of blue ones and was greeted by John's gentle smile, even after all that. He was still as happy and carefree as ever. 

Monk stepped forward after the nurse was done checking the stitches in the side of his head and making sure his sling was securely holding his arm. Of course, John had been stuck wearing a cast until his arm would heal. 

"Hey man, how are you feeling?" Monk asked, but before he got the chance too even reply, Mei barged into the room and dived for John. Climbing onto his bed and hugging him tightly. Tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

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