Chapter 4

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"Miss McKenzie" some unfamiliar male voice called my name.

There were few cars left in the students' parking lot and surely no Professor would look for a student here and at this time. Pushing the thought away, I continued towards my car, and dismissed this as hearing things.

Running steps got closer and louder.

Someone was following me.

And he or she was getting closer.

Before I even knew what I was doing, my legs moved out of their own accord and I was running. Running in massive steps. My survival instinct told me to run as fast as possible, to get away from this person.

A hand touched my shoulder, fear made me cringe away and run even harder.

Hands creeped around my waist and halted all my actions by crashing me against a chest. A manly chest. I opened my mouth wide to scream for help. A hand covered my mouth.

"Miss Scarlet McKenzie, would you calm down. Please." my kidnapper's voice struggled to keep his voice smooth.

His breath brushed across my cheek.

"I promise I will let you go, if you don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you." he paused and struggled for air. Slowly his hand moved away from my mouth.

Tears were automatically falling down my face. He let me go, but still stood close enough to prevent me from fleeing away. I was in shock and my body shook a bit. I couldn't moved nor think.

"Its Sebastian D'Arcy." he said as he turned me around slowly.

His eyes took in my state of disarray and a frown formed on his forehead. Hastily searching his pockets, he produced a packet of tissue, took one from the pack and handed it to me. I immediately blew my nose. He took another one and wiped my eyes. Careful not to touch me too much. When the tissue came in contact with my face, I couldn't help but feel as if I was being tickled. Suppressing a giggle became more and more difficult a task to handle and I burst out laughing.

Shock and confusion registered on Sebastian's face. I cursed my feeling inwardly and immediately stopped laughing.

"Wait...did you say that you are Sebastian D'Arcy?" shock must have clouded my face because he laughed at me right then and there.

"What's so funny?" irritation clouded my voice.

Boys were seriously weird.

"You should see your face when you said my name." his voice sounded like he was choking from laughter.

"Blame yourself for being a spontaneous whiz" I accidentally complimented him.

I noticed that I had just blurted my thoughts out, I immediately scrapped my brain to cover up the mess.

"Anyway why did you chase me around the whole parking lot?" I diverted his attention to what had happened now.

Regret stopped him from looking all smug.

"I actually brought these to you" he brought out my blackberry phone and my lucky charm.

I searched my pockets. Nothing. I touched both my wrists. Nothing. Clearly I had lost these along the line somewhere.

"Oh my God thank you, thank you so much. Where did you find my stuff?" I asked as I gratefully took my phone from his outstretched hand.

"Remember the Chemistry class?" he paused" I think you were probably too shocked to see someone like me to the extent that you forgot all your things. Oh and your sister called, told me to get you some doughnuts. I did and they are on top of your car" he smiled one last time and walked away.

He had a heart, a very good heart.

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