Chapter 10

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It felt like yet another day as I picked Andy up from school.

"So Scar, you and Sebastian seem to be growing closer..."Andy started

This 10 year old was nosy

"Oh we do?" I played dumb

"Yes, I mean he called you last night." She paused a little seeming occupied. "Plus you told me that you guys will be studying together, because you struggle with some Chemistry words or terms."

I smiled and quickly glanced at my mature, inquisitive little sister when the robot light was still red. From a very young age I had tried my utmost best to instill an 'independent thinking-and-deciding sense.' Turning my attention back to driving, my thoughts wondered over to the times I had spent with Sebastian. Ever since the our first lunch over at Mario's we had grown a little close. Big emphasis on little.

"Sebastian and I are friends. Actually we are making our way towards being friends" I tried to make Andy understand.

"Friends become lovers." She said stubbornly.

Well seems like I had forgotten how young Andy was, I might have turned her into a mature being but her mentality was still young and developing.

"Maybe Andy, but sweetheart its never happened in my case." I reasoned with her.

I pulled into our driveway and looked at the familiar house that we called home. The house was a two-level storey, or should I say a double-storey, was a soft shade of yellow. It was a yellow that could be described as a sun-kissed shade of yellow. A row of dandelions decorated the front of the house, red roses decorated a side of the house. The trail of red roses led any visitors to the kitchen door and the spacious cozy garden at the back.

Getting out from her driver's seat, I grabbed my canvas tote bag from the back seat and stood patiently while Andy took her backpack from the back seat.

We walked hand-in-hand as we softly laughed, mom's BMW was parked outside and clearly she was home. Knocking on the kitchen door we were surprised to see that the door wasn't tightly shut. Something was wrong with mom. Panic made my breathing heavy and cold shivers ran down my spine.

Something was wrong with mom.

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