Backstreet Drama Students try to Kill Me

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My breath hitched in my stomach, my mind clean of any thoughts. I stared in horror at the two people in cloaks in front of me. The woman let out a triumphant grunt.

"And don't you forget it, because if you do, I'm not letting you back in," she pushed back her cloak and slid back into the room, "Jackson and his lackeys will be in lessons, but should you come across them, do nothing. We wait."

"I wouldn't be stupid enough to attack him in corridor with lessons going on, anyway," the man retorted, "I'll be back soon."

They exchanged nods, before she evaporated into the Room of Requirement again. The door closed, and melted back into the wall. The man stood back – he watched the doors disappear in front of his eyes before he spun on his heel and marched down the corridor. His cloak flew behind him. I waited until I could no longer hear his footsteps echo against the ground, before, as quietly as I could, I opened the Marauder's Map. My hands shook and my mouth felt dry – who were these people? What did they want with me? What did I ever do to them?

But that wasn't the most pressing matter at hand. I unfurled the Map until all of the corridors were shown, and I watched the little footsteps of people and their names spring to life in ink. Most names were crowded into the blueprints of classrooms, as were Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley – stuck in the History of Magic classroom being bored to death. My gaze drifted to the people that were not in classrooms.

Though I recognised most of the professors that were transferring themselves from one location to another, or the ghost that planted traps to use in future pranks, I noticed one pair of footprints that I was not familiar with – the name, Azo Dox, was moving across the page at a speed anyone would find suspicious. Though he had walked quite far, it was very possible that he had come from the seventh floor direction, and that he was moving towards the kitchens. I tightened my grip on the Map.

I had no idea what Azo Dox or any of these guys in black cloaks had against me, but clearly they weren't here to eat chocolate frogs and exchange wizard cards. I fumbled with Harry's wand, in case he discovered me in my hiding place, and tried to understand what they wanted from me. I thought of the Mormo, and how it just wanted to see my body in a morgue, and I wondered whether these guys were out for the same thing too.

Azo Dox eventually made it to the kitchens and spent only a few minutes there, grabbing food or whatever he was doing. Then, he made his ascent back up to the seventh floor. I watched his symbol climb the stairs in the staircase room and breeze through the hallways. He even passed by the History of Magic classroom – and I chewed my tongue knowing that Hermione and Ron had no idea what was happening.

Eventually, the man reached this floor, and I forced myself to calm my quickening breaths. He rounded the corner and appeared with two massive bags of goodies in his hands, straight passed me, and back and forth, until he stopped.

I held in a gasp. The doors didn't appear. And I was certain it wasn't because he was thinking it wrong.

When he was away, I'd missed my chance to leave and find safety. Right here would be the worst place to be – as long as I was around, Azo wasn't going to be able to gain access, because it was the wish of the current inhabitants of the Room that I not see it. The longer I stayed, the more he would try, the more he would become suspicious as to why the doors weren't appearing.

I couldn't leave – packing up would create too much noise and I'd be discovered straight away. And I couldn't just leave my stuff, otherwise he would see it the minute the Invisibility Cloak fell off… unless…

I contemplated Harry's wand, still firmly in my grasp. If I waited any longer, Azo Dox was going to become more alarmed by the minute, so if it didn't work, I'd be found out anyway. And if it did work… I grit my teeth together and poked the wand just outside of the realms of the Cloak.

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