The Secrets of Salem

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Harry's response was immediate. Although the fear of certain demise strangled his airways, he didn't hesitate to grab his pen weapon, uncap it and scramble outside. The ship jerked just as he reached the corridor, and he slammed into the opposing door with a yelp, falling through into the room opposite.

Piper had just grabbed her dagger as she stumbled too, falling onto her window with a groan of pain. They exchanged helpless looks, before they regained their feet.

"Who's attacking us?!" she squeaked, as the pair ran back into the corridor.

"The flying people," Harry said – although he knew Piper had heard Lou Ellen's tale, the name 'flying people' didn't sound any less vague. They sprinted down the corridor and onto the top deck, but he didn't even reach the top step before he stopped dead in his tracks.

It was madness. The flying people… they literally were flying, with no means that Harry could see. Their black cloaks billowed, their masks sharp and ferocious, their grins wicked. Like the flying person Harry had seen at his window, all of them wielded strange stick-like objects that they, just like Lou had told him, fired lasers from. In the cover of darkness, they looked like the monsters an innocent child would have nightmares about.

They spritzed around the air, left and right, aiming their bizarre weapons and firing bolts of energy all different colours– for once, Harry was not happy to see a rainbow of hues.

He sprung onto the deck, just as Leo launched a fireball right at one of them. They dodged, but it managed to catch the end of his stature – he soon plummeted down out of sight. Frank was by the edge, showering the enemy with arrows, although with the weird bolts of energy countering his attacks, he didn't seem to be doing much damage.

Coach Hedge was near the back, surrounded by three of them.

"Coach!" he yelled, sprinting to his aid. One of the flying people launched a bright green bolt of energy – right at him – but Harry whipped out Riptide just in time. The bolt jumped right off and rebounded onto another flyer. They spun away.

"Thanks, Ted!" the coach yelled, "Time to kill these llama-faced-"

Another fired a scarlet bolt – Harry just missed it and it contacted with Hedge. Instead of him flying backwards to his doom, as Harry expected, his baseball bat shot away from his grasp.

"Crud," the coach said.

Harry was about to launch a frontal assault when Jason popped up from underneath them – flying – and knocked them away with his gladius. He gave a quick thumbs up before flying off to deal with others.

The coach was stunned, "How did it do that?"

"Other problems to worry about, coach!" Harry yelled. He grabbed the bat and flung it at coach to catch, before he ran to help a struggling Hazel.

She deflected off everything that the flyer was throwing at her, but she was being overwhelmed. Harry jumped through, leaping into the air and slicing Riptide right at the figure. It cut straight through the cloak to reveal the body of a human – at least they weren't dealing with aliens, here – and-… Harry almost forgot to breathe.

A broomstick.

The flyer tousled backwards and toppled over the side of the ship. But Harry knew what he saw.

He couldn't focus on that now – without any hesitation he slashed at any other flyers that dared to land on the ship, deflected any of their bolts of energy, aimed at them, and slashed more. But they didn't seem to be going down without a fight. Only major damage would deter them from further pursuit.

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