Hera the Hopeless

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Nope. No way. It wasn't true. Harry wasn't going to believe it.

Being told that he's the son of a Greek goddess should have sent him into a fit of happiness. Demigods were cool – they could fly, summon lightning using a hammer, slam into people... Wwell, that was just what he'd read about in regards to Thor, but Harry didn't really see the difference.

Thing is, he wasn't excited. Somehow, the prospect of being half-human, half-god terrified him. In Greek mythology, heroes wouldn't ever get a break. They'd all fight for some gallant cause, and then die. It was all so farfetched that Harry hadn't believed that the Ancient Greeks could believe such nonsense... until he set foot in Camp Half-Blood.

"I-I can't be," he said, standing up. "A son of... Hecate?"

"You've been claimed, so it is official," was Chiron's reply. Annabeth, Leo and Piper congratulated him with bouts of applause. "Hecate is especially interesting as she was the goddess of sorcery and trivia."

Harry inwardly snorted – the last thing he wanted to do was confuse people with bouts of meaningless information. Though, the sorcery part didn't sound... too bad.

Chiron had led the four demigods (or, three demigods plus one very-reluctant-to-be-called-a-demigod demigod) to the Hecate cabin. Although Harry didn't want to go in, it was a very impressive-looking place: there were two large torches at the very entrance, crossing at the top and burning with a multi-coloured flame. It looked like the one that had appeared over his head only minutes ago. Just above that was a crescent moon and a star symbol etched into the wood.

Chiron gestured to the door. "This is where you'll be staying, Harry."

The walls of the cabin were modern, with large windows making up the sides, although they were tinted so you couldn't see in clearly. As Harry neared it, there were a two figures inside, standing up as the group approached.

Leo whistled. "Swanky."

Chiron turned to the three of them. "Since you're all acquainted with each other, I trust you can help Harry settle into his new cabin? See to it that his roommates help too." As Annabeth nodded, Chiron turned away – Harry heard a yell in the distance. "I'm sorry, but I must be off. It seems Haytham and Connor are fighting over who has the better sword. Again."

Harry stared at the cabin again. This place was his now, his new home. It didn't exactly feel cosy.

Leo took another step forward, hands on hips. "Nice place, though the torches are a little eerie. It's nicer than the Athena cabin though."

"Hey!" objected Annabeth.

Leo grinned. "Just joking... or am I?" But his smile dimmed when Annabeth glared at him, hand hovering over her knife. "All right, calm it, princess. I was joking. So, Harry, if you ever need someone too cool for school, come visit me in my cabin." He pointed to a very technologically-advanced hut that was perched in the middle of the U-shape.

"Or me," began Piper, pointing to a ridiculously pretty cabin next to Hephaestus' kids headquarters. "I'll be happy to help you with anything too."

"Thanks," Harry said, glancing back and forth between them and the Hecate cabin. They stood outside expectantly.

"What are you waiting for?" asked Leo.

Harry paused. "Nothing. What are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for you to go in. I want to see what it's like inside—"

"Oh, come on," said Annabeth exasperated, "no cabin is better than each other. We'll let you settle in, Harry."

And the three of them left him alone, solo amongst a bunch of strangers. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

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