Sad Stephen (PART 2)

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After spotting their target, the four of them- wait, three of them and Shuri's hologram swiftly went towards the Taco Bell.

While walking, no one seemed to care or even notice a hologram just floating through them. I mean- after everything that happened like the Loki invasion and such, it was nothing out of the ordinary to them.

"chArCtEr dEvElOpmEnt" Shuri thought to herself, cracking a small smile at that.

When they had arrived at the holy place, they saw Stephen eating... Nachos? Never thought a health nut like him would do that- but it's probably because he's sad.

When tony wanted to walk up to him, Ned stopped him in his tracks. "Mr Stark sir, you should probably lower his guard first, like make peter do some dumb stuff."

Tony stopped in his tracks, thinking about Ned's idea.

"Ned- that's... A BRILLIANT IDEA! Okay Peter- Chop chop, go do your thing." Tony shooed.

Peter looked back at Ned, giving him a death glare, but walked over to Stephen nonetheless, albeit reluctantly.

Peters POV

What in the actual heck- NED, I'LL KILL YOU.

Ughhhhhhhhh why...

I was so nervous, like my hands and legs were trembling badly and my brain just. Couldn't. Work. Anymore.

Like BRAIN, you're supposed to _help_ me here. Like what the frig are you doing?

Anyway, tangent over. Back to the real thing.

When I approached doctor dad, my heart was beating so fast as if it had just ran a marathon. And when I was right beside him, I couldn't even bring myself to say anything. I just stood there, awkwardly, I could do that since doctor dad wasn't even looking at me, his eyes were laser focused on his nachos.

Sooooo... I ended up standing there for 15 minutes. During that time I glanced back over at dad and he was gesturing for me to do something, but I didn't want doctor dad to be angry so I just stood there.

But finally, doctor dad looked up at me as he had finished his nachos.

"Peter? What are you doing here?" He said, somewhat groggily.

"I uh-m wanted to buy some tacos for Ned!" I quickly said.

"Oh, did Tony give you his card?"

I shook my head. Doctor dad then put his hands in his jean pockets and pulled out his credit card. He then handed it over to me.

"Here, dont waste your savings kid. Even if Tony gives you everything its good to have some sort of back up plan."

I was shocked, I hesitatingly took the card and said a little "I love you " to him and really went to buy some tacos.

Whilst buying the tacos I looked back at doctor dad to ensure that he was still there. And he was, he was looking at something in his cupped hands. I was curious so I kept on staring.

I have to admit that I got the skill from Wade.

But he then looked up at me, put the thing he was looking at in his pocket, and smiled at me like he's telling me to continue buying the tacos.

So I did.


Tony's POV

As I watched Peter walk into the Taco Bell I was so scared for his life, but stopped to think...

"Hey, if I went in I'd get killed... But Peter? Nahhhhhh"

10 minutes later...

I've got to admit though, It was pretty boring watching him just standing there like a dork and not even moving. And here I was, thinking that he was as confident as me. (Which will never happen but still) When Peter glanced back at me, most likely for support, I waved my hands around and gestured for him so do SOMETHING.

After he didn't listen, Shuri went to get some drinks in her mini fridge and sat at her desk, sipping away. I actually asked Ned if he wanted something to drink but he ran to the nearest 8-12, said that he would but both of us drinks, and was now queuing up to buy some.

I swea- ter that he and Peter would be the death of me...

Suddenly, something caught my eye. PETER MOVED! FINALLY- He seemed to be talking to him and looked nervous. And when Stephen handed him his credit card I was like, wha-? I called for Shuri and she watched this awkward situation unfold, snickering like she was watching a comedy.

Peter then walked over to the counter, which confused the heck out of us and proceeded to order... tacos. And waited for the lady at the counter to hand him his order.


God darn it, I was supposed to get some sort of clue from doctor dad but I just ended up buying tacos, I'm really such a coward... Looking up at the lady at the counter, I handed her doctor dad's card and flashed a sad smile at her. She didn't really seem to care but I guess a little human intersection before having to face doctor dad was a bit helpful?

After claiming my not so prized possessions I walked up to doctor dad, sat down, and mustered up all the courage I could ever have and asked him the question...

"What happened?"

Stephen's POV

"What happened?"

When I heard this, I immediately tensed up, trying my best to battle the tears which were already on their way out of my eyes. I didn't know why I was doing this, but an internal reflex just decided that HEY let's make Stephen feel like crying. After a few seconds, I knew that I was fighting a losing battle and began to cry, letting my feelings pour out in front of Peter.

For gods sake I could at least have been a bit manlier about this but I couldn't control myself... I really couldn't. And why did I have to cry in front of Peter, I should at least have the decency to not cry in front of my son. I'm supposed to be the strong one here, not him.

"My mom... she's gone." I sniffled.

Peter gave me a smile, a smile that I was not used to whatsoever. It was a sad smile, seemingly telling me that he understood, he understood what It felt like. I mean of course he did, he's 15 and his parents passed on when he was only 6 for gods sake! Then why the frick am I so sad about it? What's wrong with me? He couldn't even talk to them after they died. It was a miracle that I could even talk to her. WHY THE *UCK AM I BEING SUCH A BABY?

"Come on Dr dad, they're waiting."

I looked up, somewhat confused, tears still falling from my eyes.


Peter grabbed his dads hand and dragged him outside, there, Tony stood there with a worried look while Ned came running from the 8-12 with some drinks. Shuri just felt awkward since she didn't know what happened.

"Hey honey, how are you?" Tony asked, flashing a sheepish smile towards his husband. Stephen looked at his eyes, smiled sadly, and hugged Tony. At first, Tony was a bit taken aback but hugged him back nonetheless, stroking his back, soothing Stephen and calming him down.

"GROUP HUGGGGG!" Peter yelled and jumped in between the two adults, which made Tony laugh and Stephen chuckle. Ned, being that one awkward friend just stood beside them and smiled, not until Peter pulled him in that is.
Shuri just laughed since Peter couldn't pull her in, but at least he tried-

Just like that, Stephen wiped the tears off his face and smiled.

"It's always good to start anew" he muttered under his breath, looking up to the sky.

Seeing this , Tony looked at him with that look when you see someone doing something weird yet funny to you.

But hey, nonetheless, Stephen had found his new family. And yeah yeah the end-


AHHAHASORRYYY I haven't been uploading for so Long even after I promised to do so. Sorry if the ending was too abrupt but yeahh. Basically the mom gone thing was like the fact that his mom has decided to be reincarnated. I mean if it's too religious for you then you can just say that she disappeared anything fine I ain't telling you to believe in things that you don't

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