Sad Stephen (PART 1)

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Okay, when he's not even drinking his tea, you know something's up. Since Stephen came back from the sanctum, covered in blood might I add, he'd been hiding in his room. Tony tried literally everything but couldn't get him to come out. From "Stephen, please come out, we're worried for you." To screaming death metal music in the living room with Peter (who was wearing his special earmuffs). It was only an hour later that Tony found out that Stephen was in another dimension with his physical body passed out on their bed.

Seeing this, Tony and Peter just HAD to find out what was wrong. And operation 'find out what's wrong with Stephen so we can cheer him up' was a go. Their first plan of action is to     ask Wong, and they immediately drove Tony's 'normal looking' car to the sanctum.

"Knock knockkkk~" Tony said while pounding his fist onto the door.

A gust of wind pushed the two men inside and Wong was on the other side.

"Who's there..." he grumbled.

"Your buddy ol' pal—" Tony started, but when he saw Wong's face the sentence immediately switched to,

"'s husband and his son! Yeah- better?"

Peter snickered and chirped in,

"Uncle Wong! Long time no see! Could you pleaseeeee help us? Pretty pleaseee?" Peter said, displaying his ultimate weapon, puppy dog eyes.

Wong looked at Peter, then at Tony. "Im doing it because of him ,Stark." He said, pointing at Peter. Tony fist pumped the air, but Wong snapped him out of his stupor.

"What do you need?"

Peter and Tony then explained their plan to Wong, sparing no detail. But to their despair, Wong only knew a few things about what had happened. Wong told them that on that day was Stephens' mom's death anniversary and apparently he went to visit her. But apart from that, he did not know of anything else. When the two boys heard this they immediately went sprinting towards the door, but Wong teleported them back.

"Why'd you do that?" Tony whined.

"I think you would much rather I teleport you there." Wong said.

"What about your car dad?" Peter asked.

"I'll just ask FRIDAY-"

"I destroyed it already, that's why i offered." Wong cut in.

"wHy yOuuuUu" Tony said irritatedly and stomped his way towards Wong.

"Alright! Bye bye." Wong snickered, sending a portal their way, teleporting them both back to the tower.

Tony, muttering death threats under his breath, asked FRIDAY if the car was really destroyed. And Peter thought about possible scenarios that could have occured. In the end, Tony's car really was destroyed and teleported to his garage with a little roast card on it.

"You've changed Wong- we used to be best pals in high school." Tony whined but words appeared on the card.

"I didn't change. I grew up. You should try that sometime. Also, no we weren't."

Seeing this, Tony flipped off a hologram of Wong that he'd projected.


Meanwhile, Peter thought of what could possibly had made his dad so sad or even mad. But he needed reinforcements, so he called none other than Ned and Shuri. Ned came over in his mom's car and Shuri video called or rather sent a hologram of herself to the tower since her brother wouldn't allow her to go there physically. Now it was time for phase 2, ask the cloak.

So Ned, Peter, and the hologram of Shuri raced to Stephen's room and saw that the cloak was hung on a clothing rack. It seemed to be sulking in a way, and Peter neared it. "Cloakie, what happened?" He asked gently.

The cloak still seemed sad and dragged? His non existent feet to a table and got a pen and paper and started writing.

After a few minutes of cloakie writing, Shuri fidgeting with her gadgets, and Peter and Ned playing kinekraft, a note with somewhat understandable writing was produced.

"Mr Strange went to visit his mother. But when he got to the place where they usually met, she wasn't there. He was sad cuz' his mom wasn't there but was determined to find her. But when he flew around the whole realm, thrice, he lost hope. And he came back, left me here and went to another realm, saying that it was too dangerous for me or something, despite me telling him to let me go with him. So I don't really know anything else..."

"Why'd he leave you here?" Peter asked, because it seemed so weird and dumb of Stephen.

"I do not know..." Clokie wrote.

"Ah frig, what are we supposed to do now?" Ned asked.

"There's only one thing to do, ask him ourselves." Shuri said.

Peter looked at her for a brief moment, and nodded.

"Also, let's go get the old man back too."  Shuri groaned.

"Which one?"


Laughter then filled the room, even cloakie seemed to find it funny.

"Tiny Stank dood." Shuri chuckled.

After a minute of convincing Tony to leave Wong the heck alone, they mustered up the courage, and used FRIDAY's security cameras (which were literally EVERYWHERE and Peter was so shocked)  to find Stephen. Eventually they deduced that he wasn't at home. So Tony hacked into some of the public surveillance cameras.

They quickly found him at the Taco Bell beside the tower


I'm SOO sorry for such a short chapter. I wanted to get this out as quick as possible so as to not keep you waiting for too long. Okey, bacc to being a sad bean because of online school. Baiye.

Oh wait! Also- pls gimme story ideas (like no full on smut but I can add hints of it if you want)? cuz my brain is ded (if u even read this) tysm!

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