Fun with the family! (Week 1)

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Peter sat on his bed, sighing. His parents were arguing, again!

He'd locked himself in his room, ignoring the several knocks on the door which were most likely from Bruce or Natasha. He then took out his phone and started texting someone whom he knew could hear him out.

Group chat: TED IS HERE TO TALK!

*Italics is Peter, bold is Ned*

Hey man, I'm depressed.

Wow. What a way to start a conversation!

Jk. Jk. What's up dude?

Tony and Stephen are arguing again, something about me. :(

Oh that's bad. How about u go and talk to them?

That'll never work, they'll just push me away. Plus, I don't wanna be a bother especially after the trouble I caused between them.

They're your parents! They won't think that u r a bother. Just tell them that u want to go on a family outing or something. Something that'll allow them to chill out and spend some quality time with their son.

That's ... that's actually not a bad idea! Thx Ned!

That's what BFF's are for! Now, GO GET EM'!

Peter chuckled at his friend's text and wondered what he would do without Ned.

Peter slowly but surely stood up from his bed and shuffled his way towards the door. He cracked it open, seeing whether his parents were in sight.

After being absolutely certain that they were not nearby, he walked out of his room. He took some deep breaths to calm himself down but that all backfired when he heard shouting. Anxiety then held him in a chokehold like relentless tentacles of an octopus. He was so nervous that his whole system shut down for a moment.

Questions flooded his mind. What if they think that I'm a bother? No, Ned said that they won't! But what if Ned was wrong? What if iron dad and doctor dad decide that they don't want me anymore? What if...

Before Peter knew it, he was having a panic attack. And it all faded into black...

Tony's POV

"You have got to be kidding me." Stephen sighed, putting his hands to his head.

I couldn't believe this! My husband won't allow me to ban Peter from dating that horrible mercenary! I mean, I'm also his parent! I also get to make the rules!

"No I am not." I declared straightforwardly.

"You know Wade! He'll kill people just for the cash! You can't leave Peter in the hands of that murderer! He's my son! I want to protect him!" I yelled at Stephen.

"But you can't control his life Tony! He is a teenager! He is responsible enough to make his own decisions!" Stephen retaliated fiercely.

"IT'S FOR HIS OWN GOOD!" I screamed.

Sir, sorry for the intrusion but it seems that young Peter is having a panic attack in the lounge room. I suggest that you take action immediately. FRIDAY interrupted.

Stephen immediately flew into a state of panic and rushed to to lounge room, I followed closely behind.

Both of us burst through the doors frantically and rushed to Peter's aid, the kid was muttering something along the lines of

"No no no no no, pLeaSe no." Repeatedly, like it was his mantra.

"Peter, honey. Calm down." Stephen assured, stroking Peter's back.

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