A trip to MacDonalds

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A/N: This story is sorta based on the text in the picture above soooo, I hope you guys enjoy!


Today was a lazy day. Stephen had no magical creatures to deal with, Peter didn't have any homework , Tony did not have any meetings to attend, and most of the team were generally free as well. So... they decided to go to Macdonalds, because why not? But as you know, Stephen was a doctor and wanted everyone to be healthy so he tried to protest. But, despite his protests that those foods contain a lot of oil and unhealthy stuff, the team still decided to go to the fast food restaurant.

When Tony opened the doors to the fine establishment, the cashier gasped in shock.
"M-mr Stark s-sir! What brings you here?" The cashier stumbled.

"To eat, duh?" Tony snarks while rolling his eyes. This, in turn, earned him a slap on the back of his head by Stephen.

"I'm sorry for his rude behavior, but yes, we are certainly here to eat." Stephen said, smiling.

"O-okay Doctor, sir. What would you like to order." The cashier asked.

Pleased with being addressed as 'doctor' , Stephen's smile grew as he listed off what the Avengers wanted to eat. (He was always the one to say the orders since he has a photographic memory)

Meanwhile, the team had already found a place to sit ( As there were literally no people at this MacDonalds ) and were busy doing their own things. Peter was looking at dead vines with Loki, Thor was flinging Stormbreaker around , Wanda , Vision and Clint were playing Rock Paper Scissors, Bucky and Steve were chatting, Natasha was just sitting quietly and Bruce was typing away on his starkpad (probably to find out about something related to science). They were all of the people that were free at the moment.

While Stephen was listing off the huge list of food items to the cashier , she looked dreamily at him.

"Okay doctor~" The cashier swooned.

This caused Tony to glare daggers at her. Meanwhile, his husband was acting oblivious to the situation and just continued listing off the orders.

"Aaaand that's it! Thanks for being so patient , I know it's a big list!" Stephen chuckled.

"It's okay~ I'll always be patient with you doctor." The cashier said seductively, while batting her eyelashes.

"OOOOOKAY! Let's go!" Tony interrupted, grabbing a queue number and dragging Stephen , who was rolling his eyes , along.

The couple settled down next to Peter and Loki. And Stephen was smirking like a madman .

"What's the matter? You jealous? " Stephen teased.

Tony pouted, trying his best to look angry . At the sight of this, Stephen snorted, holding in his laughter.

"Awwwww... You look so cute when you're angry." Stephen snickered.

"S-shut up!" Tony stuttered, blushing.

"The wizard's right Stark, you do look funny when you pout." Loki said.

"Yeah! I know right?" Peter added.

"HEY! You have no say in this, you look adorable when you pout!" Tony remarked.

"Yeah... he has a point little Stark." Loki said, ruffling Peter's hair affectionately.

Now, it was Peter's turn to pout and Stephen , Tony and Loki laughed.

"Not fair—"

Suddenly Peter was interrupted by the slam of a table.

"HAH! I WON! " Clint shouted victoriously. Clint had just won in Rock Paper Scissors against Vision and was taking it very seriously as Vision was technically an android. And androids were supposed to be unbeatable (in his opinion).

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