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Riddick pov...
After crash landing I break the cage open while the pup whines so I help him out when he's out he sniffs the air and leads the way to large bones so we got in the shadows with the pup curled into me as some sort of big cat creature so I pet him he starts to purr after awhile the other survivors come and we follow them still blending into the shadows while pup changes back into human form I hear the co-pilot of the ship named fry try to kill all of us and the blue eyed devil that captured us is John's there was also the holy man Imam and his kids, a girl/boy named Jack, a couple names Shazza and Zeke, but last is a idiot ancient objects collector Paris that survived I say all of them are going to die except for me and pup I need to know his name "what's your name pup" "Fang Alpha" "good boy" he whined and chuffed but kept silent and close to me as we follow they lead back to the ship...

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