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Riddick pov...
While walking pup kept getting distracted so I whistled at him he stood beside me and kept walking by me side "why the hell is he listening to you and not any of us" John's asked so I shrugged John's whistles pup ignored it and got distracted again so just to anger John's i whistle pup follows me again he growls as fry tried to grab him and tried biting her so I grabbed him by the back of the neck and squeeze he whines and stops I remove my hand and keep walking with pup right by me and we see a settlement abandoned so we stop for water, shade, and rest pup turned into a giant wolf that's taller than all of us and laid down next to me the kids walked over to us and petted pup he wagged his tail then stood and tapped jack on the head and ran away the kids ran from her and she went after the youngest of them tagged then ran away pup stopped and let the kid tag him he fell and played dead it was funny all the adults awed or chuckled I just smiled a tiny bit but John's ruined it by saying we have to keep going so we got up and pup walked right next to me we finally got to the crashed ship and stayed in a small room so pup changed into a wolf pup so I held him and the kids kept trying to grab him so he distracted them while we planned...

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