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Riddick pov...
After going back to the crashed ship we see the other survivors there when Zeke pulled a tarp off the hole and got dragged into the hole I walked toward it but pup stayed hidden all I hear is a scream so I look up and see Zeke's mate running towards me so I take off too but its to late and I'm tackled by John's after that Shazza kicked me in the head and John's hit the back of my head with a gun I black out...
Fang pov...
I see the humans drag alpha into the ship and I follow in the shadows but sit on the rafters until alpha awakes when he does he growls so I purr and whine he chuckles as he puts his head back down when a human came in to talk about the dead human/alphas eyes I smell and see a girl dressed as a boy come in and say they would kill for alphas eyes all I smell on the older human is lust for alpha which makes me growl lightly to alpha I see him smirk when the humans left I went to alpha I whine he growls so I purr and rub myself on him to get rid of the lust smell of the female until I hear John's so I jump back in the rafters and see he freed alpha then gave him his goggles alpha whistles and I stalk out of the shadows to his side No one saw until John's screamed like a little girl "where did he come from" alpha laughed and said "he was here the whole time with me" John's shrugged and started walking...

Riddick ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now