8."The Unread Note"

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Joong have been staying inside their house under his mothers care for his whole life due to the cancer he had since he was still a kid.

But now that it's his birthday he have a wish that he have been pleading his mother to let him do, for just one time he want to experience the life outside their house.

"Just for today ma' please?" He pleaded, his mom was hesitant at first but reluctantly agreed at the end. She know that this is the only small thing her son wants, and all she just want is to see him smile as she doesn't know until when she can still see those pretty smile of his.

All dressed up, Joong left with his mom. They went down street, store by store as his mother told him he could choose anything he want and she'll buy it as a gift for him. No store have really caught his attention until they went pass a vintage looking store, well it's not the items that caught his attention but the cashier boy who is smiling brightly as he greet every people who entered the shop. And he know immediately that he have fallen for him already, the classic case of love at first sight if you will say.

He told his mom that he want to look around the shop and so they entered. The wind chimes rings as they open the door and the guy with a beautiful smile look at them "Welcome to our store." he cheerfully greeted them with a smile. Joong can't help but to smile back at him as well, following his mothers path as they walk inside.

His mom told him to just tell her what he notice interesting to buy and she will help him pay, but he could not seem notice anything else except the guy who's now checking out the other customers items.

Joong was walking through shelves but his eyes are still locked to the guy who now looked up at him with a smile. " Can I help you?" He said in the most sweetest voice Joong have heard, looking at his lips as the guy speaks Joong can't stop to wonder what it will feels like to kiss him. Managing to think something else, "I uhh— I want those big CD's..." He said wanting to hit his own head because he don't even know what its called.

"Ohh- a vinyl." The guy turning around looking at the different vinyl albums displayed. "Are you looking for a specific album?" He asked.

"Uh— Can you suggest one." Joong manage to say, and so the guy just smiled at him before he excuse himself.

"This one is my favourite." He said handling Joong the album. "I'll take it." Joong said and paid for it.

"Would you like that wrapped?" The guy asked as Joong was stay still.

"I-y-yeah, yes please." He said, bit stuttering. Again, the guy excused himself and went to grab the supplies he need. His mother came standing beside him, and asked if he have found something already so he told her he already got one.

And not that long the guy came back with the wrapped vinyl album. He hand it to Joong, and Joong thanked him before he and his mother finally left the store.


The next day Joong asked his mother again if they can go to the vintage shop they went yesterday, wanting to see the guy again he pleaded and pleaded until his mother finally gave in.

And again as they entered he was greeted by the sweet smile of the guy, this time he bought a CD album got it wrapped like yesterday, and left, and as they got back home he keep the album inside his closet as usual.

Joong have repeatedly asked his mother every each day for them to buy any music albums, he really wanted to ask the guy out but he don't have the courage to do so.

It turn into weeks until his mother finally noticed what is really going on with her son. Finally confronting Joong about the Vinyls and CDs he never even listen to, Joong can't stop apologizing to his mom for spending such money, but to his surprised his mother didn't scold him for that. Instead he was surprised when his mother have told him she knew he likes the guy at the store.

"If you really like him that much why don't you just ask him out." She told her son. "You're so handsome, and sweet I'm sure he will not turned you down." She said gently pinching Joongs cheek.

And so the next day Joong came alone to the shop without his mother, and again he buy another vinyl, and asked it to be wrapped. While the guy was away wrapping the vinyl, Joong grab a pen and wrote his number, and name on the receipt, and then left without taking the vinyl he bought.


A few days later Joong's mother heard her sons phone ringing, she pick it up from the table and answered it.

"Hi, I—I'm Nine from the vintage shop." The guy from the other line said, "I've been trying to contact your number since that day you left the vinyl you bought—" The guy said but was stopped when he heard sobbing from the other line.

"H-hi .. I'm—I'm his mother." The guy named Nine heard. Not knowing what should he say as he heard the mother starts to cry, confused to what's happening he remain silent, until she got back her composure.

Still sobbing she then told Nine that after that day her son Joong went to the shop, "He—he already passed away." Joongs mother said, and everything went silent.

Later, Joongs mom wanted to remember his son specially after talking to Nine, she went inside to her sons room and decide to open his closet to where there she saw all the unopened CDs and Vinyls neatly stacked.

Joongs mom decide to open one and it had a note from the same guy, "Hi, I think you're really cute, do you want to maybe go out with me?" She read.

She decide to open one more, and one more, and as for every CD, and Vinyl she open there's a small piece of paper with the same note written on it.

"Hi, I think you're really cute,
do you want to maybe go out with me?


*And here's some tissue.😿

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