11."Forever Flower"

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As Joong listens to the sound of the wall clock ticking his eyes landed on the empty space on his working tabled that used to had pile of paper files since he sat down in front of it. Letting out a sigh and smile. Joong stretches his back and arms making few of his joints let out a cracking sound. Excited to go back home and be warmed up in this cold winter night, Joong started to pack up all his things, and bid his goodbye to his workmates who are still busy with the papers that they're working. Beaming while he walk his way straight to the parkade where his car is, and with full smile Joong entered his car, and started to drive it to the nearest flower shop.

This is supposed to be a very special day for him and his lover, Nine. As this is the day they got married, but unfortunately due to a long distance relationship they're having now, plus the busy work Joong is having all he can do is quickly buy Nine's favourite flower which is a white rose. He may not be able to send it to him but at least he will see that Joong remembered to buy him those flowers like their usual tradition.


As soon as Joong reached back to their house he excitedly walked straight to his and Nine's bedroom, with the elegant looking box of bouquet of white roses on his hands. Joong walk closer to the long table Nine have choose to buy and place near the window before when they still used to live together. That table used to be empty before not until that time when they both found out about this bouquet of flowers that's made to last for up to three years, and since then that table have been filled with boxes of white roses that last to what it feels like forever. Making Nine call it a Forever Flower.

Normally, Joong will be taking a warm shower as soon as he got home but this time he decided to grab his phone and snap a photo of the new box of flowers he have bought knowing how his lover will feel happy as soon as saw it.

Sitting down on their bed, Joong hit send and as it got successfully sent he decide to press the mic icon shown just right beside it.

"Hey honey, It's me." He started to speak, his phone pressing his chin.
"How are you doing?" He silently chuckled.
"I just wanted to greet you happy anniversary. And I bought you flowers." He pause, and hit send before pressing the same icon again.

"I just wanted to tell you how much I missed you, and how I really wish you're here right now... Anyways, today was a bit though. You know how I really hate telling this kinds of things to you but today was just really-"

"I just wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to hug you... But unfortunately I can't. And I hope you don't blame yourself for it, because that's the least thing I want you to do."

"I really thought I'm slowly getting used to you not being here with me. But I guess not. Don't worry I'll do my best to continue the routine we used to have before, I know how you'll get annoyed at me if I ever become a lazy-ass." Joong chuckled. "You'll probably gonna kick me every morning just to get out of the bed."


"I want to stop being like this, I promise. But it's really just hard for me to do. Everyday, every night I try to send you messages and read our passed conversations over and over. I have probably memorized it already."

"I missed you and it's so fucking hard for me." Joong said with a crack in his voice, biting his lips he tried to not make his eyes moist.

"Sending you texts and voice messages are the only way I think I can talk to you. That if you can really read or hear them. But if you do hear this I- I wanna let you know that you're so damn awesome. You're the best person I knew."

"Those surgeries have been really tough to you... You're strong, so damn strong and brave. I don't know how you did it, your smiles... All through those you still manage to smile everytime. I don't know how you did it. How you can still smile to everything. I-I can't, I can't even- I can't even do it."

"And I'm so mad that you're now gone. I'm angry- so angry that I can't do anything about it."

"It's been one year now since you're gone and I still feel empty. I'm still trying to figure out if there's still good in this word."

"It's feels so unfair that you're taken away from us... From me- you know it really hurts, It really hurts so much. I can't be there with you. I- I know how you always say that you like my laugh. But I can't anymore."

"But you know If I could exchange those laughs with you coming back- I'll probably will... Things is hard without you, so could you just comeback, please? I promise I'll give you the greatest biggest bear hug that you can get. I'll kiss you like it will never end. Tell you how amazing and good looking you are."

"You always wish me to have a good happy life, but there's- I feel like there's nothing to be good and happy now that you're not here. Now that you're gone. But you know what. I'll promise that I'll try to be happy because that's what you want. And maybe someday once we meet again everything will be alright- I'll make it alright."

"I also promise you that I will never forget about you, you hear me right? I'll never ever going to forget you... Even when I get old and have a bad memory, I'll never." Joong repeated over and over.
"Because these Forever flowers will forever be the reminder of you. I love you."


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   *here's a tissue roll for you.*

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