The Message

611 8 14

The authour notes are half the chapter 💀

A/N as of 1.13.21: apparently, my information is incorrect and the age gap is more like four years 😖 apologies! While it's still not illegal or anything, as nothing has ever happened between them romantically or otherwise, I just wanted to apologise for getting my facts wrong 😅
A/N as of 1.18.21: since some of y'all still seem to not get it, in no way shape or form am I endorsing an adult/minor relationship! It makes me extremely uncomfortable to even type those words, and believe me, I am the last person to be supporting it because of stuff that happened to me when I was 11. So if y'all could just stop jumping to conclusions, that'd be great.
Just for clarification, I believe that Carmen and Player are roughly around the same age, Player only being 1-2 years younger than her I believe. From what it seems in the actual show, they met when they were both kids/tweens and grew up together (even though it was only virtual that they could see each other) so yeah
However, Carmen never really had any romantic interest in Player. You'll see why this is important

Y'all are gonna hate me 💀

Carmen's PoV

1 new message from Player

"Hey, Carmen. Gray. You've probably been wondering where I've been. I was going back and forth for a while, but I've made up my mind. Jealousy really does bring out the worst in people, doesn't it? I loved you Carmen, and you knew that. Heck, I still do. I'm not letting you go. I won't lose you. They said I could break the two of you apart. I could get Gray out of the picture. I could make you love me, Carmen. On top of that, I'd have all the money and valuables I could ever want or need. They really got to me, huh. But I know where I stand. And I'm not going back. Join me, Carmen. I don't want to fight against you, but I will if I have to. We need you.

"Come back to V.I.L.E., Carmen."

Carmen & Gray: A Tale of Two Thieves (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt