The Lost Scrolls of Argentina Caper: Part 2

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Let's goooo I can finish these chapters
Also I'm so sorry this was shorter than normal but you'll love me in the next one

Carmen's PoV

The lights cut out, and the auditor became abuzz. Some shrieked from sudden fright, and everyone began whispering and talking aloud.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"Why'd the lights go out?"

We took our chance and ran towards the stage, being as quiet as possible. We grabbed the four scrolls, and bolted for the exit.

"Not so fast, Carmen."

"Long time no see, Paper Star."

"You're lucky. At least your opponent talks." Gray whispered from my left.

"Neither of them will be in, say, 2 minutes?"

"Let's do it."

Holding one scroll in each hand, we raced for our opponent. Paper Star started off with her signature paper throw attack, and I flipped over her head to dodge. I aimed a roundhouse kick at her waist, but she managed to leap out of the way in time. She began throwing the paper stars (lol) like shurikens one at a time in a straight line, and I just managed to miss each one. I slid behind a curtain, purposely making noise, but proceeded to double-back silently. She cautiously stepped forward, but didn't even have time to turn around as I hit her on the head with one of the Stone ends of the scrolls, causing her to collapse to the floor.



"Oh, good. I wanted to make sure you weren't the one who got knocked out."

"I'm all good. Let's get these back to their rightful owners."

The next morning

"We can't thank you enough! We thought these had been stolen and that we'd never get them back!"

"Ah, don't mention it. We were luckily able to track down where the thieves were selling the Scrolls at and get them back in time."

After another half hour of chatting with the museum's curator, we stopped at the middle of the town square.

"Oh! I have to pick something up that I forgot earlier. I'll meet you back at the hotel, alright?"

"Sure, I'm fine with that. Love you!" I gave him a quick kiss before walking back towards the hotel.

What's he up to?

Carmen & Gray: A Tale of Two Thieves (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now