The Brazillian Bird Caper

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edit: i made some grammar edits on this 5.27.21

That last chapter was 707 words just like 707 FROM MYSTIC MESSENGER AYEEEEE

ok let's go

I'm not lazy it's for the plot
I'm not lazy it's for the plot
I'm not lazy it's for the plot

I am lazy BUT it's for the plot 😌 I'm sorry I literally am about to fall asleep

Carmen's PoV

2 weeks later, and still no word from Player. He had called us to give us the info on another caper, but he didn't seem his normal self. He hadn't seemed his normal self at all the past couple months. He seemed... hateful, and resentful. Angry and sad. When we told him the thrilling news about our engagement, he stuttered out, "Th-that's great... so happy for you..." We haven't heard from him since. But today is the day of the caper, and we're already on our way to Brazil to stop it from happening.

The previous three capers we'd gotten, including this one, all seemed odd. They seemed almost hazy, for some reason. As if they were too simple and quick. It felt like the calm before the storm.

"You ok, Carmen?" Gray said, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, just thinking about the caper."

"Don't worry, we always pull it off. We're a team."

That's not what's bothering me...

The night Gray proposed to me was the best day of my life. It felt like it was out of a fairy tale, but one we had created together. I was disappointed that we had to go on another mission so soon, but I didn't mind. V.I.L.E. was planning to steal the Stressemann's Bristlefront, an extremely rare bird species that there was only one left of in the entire world. It is native to and lives in Brazil, and is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It would be easy to capture, as it's only about the size of a human hand, so it was up to us to keep it safe.

The laboratory granted us immediate access, so that we could figure out where to hide and where to attack if necessary.

But no one ever came.

What was going on?

Nothing was as it seemed anymore.

"Carmen... Carmen!"

"Hm? Sorry, I got lost in thought a little bit for a second."

"It's alright. Hey, I think we should head home. It's been 4 hours."

"Yeah, you're probably right." I wasn't getting to sleep as easily recently. A good night's rest at home in my own bed and everything would be back to normal.


The call that awaited me the next morning was far from normal.

Carmen & Gray: A Tale of Two Thieves (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora