The Rescue: Part 2

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Carmen's POV

My eyes opened slightly as smoke filled the room. A figure dropped down from the ceiling, but I couldn't see their face until they were right in front of me.


"You don't know how much I missed you Carmen!"

He enveloped me in a hug, and I felt ok for once. But then the moment ended.

"Hold still; I need to get the chains off of you."

He took out the laser lipstick and I smiled a bit, as it was one of my best inventions. It only took seconds to cut the ropes and chains, but we still needed to get out of there as fast as possible.

"C'mon, we've got to go! Now!"

He wrapped his arm around my waist and shot us into the air ducts above. About halfway through the crawl, green smoke started to fill the passageway at the very end.

"Hurry up!"

"Gray, I'm trying!"

"I know you are, I'm sorry. I just don't want us to die in here from poisonous smoke."

"Fair enough."

We crawled faster, but began coughing near the very end. The smoke had caught up to us. Gray pushed me forward and out of the building, and I landed in Zack and Ivy's car.

"Carmen! So good to see ya! Where's Gray?"

"He's still back there!"

"Please make it out, Gray..."

Not five seconds later, Gray tumbled out of the ducts and landed in the car as well, coughing violently.


Zack slammed on the gas and we sped off towards the dock. It was too risky to take a plane back, and plus, we couldn't stay in San Francisco anymore. But all of that could wait. I was exhausted, and pretty soon was falling to sleep in Gray's arms.

A/N: Sorry guys that these chapters are so short! I promise they will get longer it's just that I procrastinated on these for so long. I'm writing this at 5:43 pm on Christmas so yeah

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