C&G Release Date

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edit: hey so i almost died check my profile for brief explanation

hey guys gals and nonbinary pals I'm back after taking a nice break on ao3

So y'all are still asking when it'll be published I could've sworn I published a update chapter but oh well here's this

I'll release the first five chapters of the third book on May 28th, 2021, my last day of school.

For now I won't say anything else other than I'm so glad to be finally finishing this series up because it's put immense stress on my mental state

I feel horrible about not writing or updating but when I have no motivation as I no longer care about the show, it's hard to make any progress. But at the same time the guilt I feel for not giving everyone who's read my stories the content they want makes me want to write and not write at the same time

Idk, it's hard to explain, and you probably don't care but that's alright, just wanted to let you know it'll be out soon :)

I've also been trying to deal with some other issues and problems that have happened to/with me over the past year so that's made writing tricky as well but I don't feel like going into that right now so

Back to structure plotting and listening to hypmic :)

Carmen & Gray: A Tale of Two Thieves (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant